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Screen # 19/19 letters when you study them. Be sure to understand the setting of these two else? -- Timothy. writes another letter and delivers it by -- who problem about the time of Christ's return. Paul When Timothy returns, he reports to Paul another about this and sends it back with Timothy. who die before Jesus returns. Paul writes a letter Timothy reported a problem concerning Christians with the new Christians there. Timothy back to find out how things were going Some time after leaving Thessalonica, Paul sent
Screen # 18/19 f. Timothy is Paul's representative to Thessalonica. no advantage over those who have died. e. Christians who are alive at Christ's return will have d. Christ will not return until after the man of sin comes. c. The Thessalonians have a problem concerning Christ's coming. b. The Thessalonians have a problem concerning people who die. Christians who die. a. Jesus' death and resurrection provide the pattern for
1 Th 4:14
2 Th 2:3
1 Th 4:13
2 Th 2:1
1 Th 3:2-6
1 Th 4:15
2. Match the references and the summariesReferences: 1 and 2 ThessaloniansScreen # 17/19 a. Paul b. Silas c. Timothy
most likely to be the courier to and from Thessalonica? 1.
Of the three men mentioned in Acts 17:10-15, who is the one Many of his letters, including 1 and 2 Thessalonians, are the result. who reported back to him about conditions in the churches. Paul kept in touch with his churches by sending couriers to answer all the questions raised by new Christians. it is understandable that Paul would not have had time Having been in Thessalonica only three weeks,
1 & 2 T H E S S A L O N I A N S
Screen # 16/19 Enter the verse number.
Which verse near the end of Acts 18 begins a new mission?
e. Gallio j. Xenophon d. Cut off i. Titius Justus c. Crispus h. Three months b. Braided g. Sosthenes a. Apollos f. One and one-half years
What Paul did to his hair on return trip to Antioch.
Synagogue ruler who was beaten.
Proconsul who dismissed Jewish objection against Paul.
Synagogue ruler who, with his family, believed.
A friend of Paul who lived next door to the synagogue.
The length of time Paul stayed in Corinth. 2. The Lord gave good success to Paul's preaching in Corinth.Screen # 15/19
f. Paul was entirely financed by his home church, Antioch.
e. It seems as if Paul made his home with A and P.
d. A and P shared the same trade as Paul: tentmaking.
c. A and P were traveling merchants selling purple cloth.
b. Aquila and Priscilla were Jews.
a. The emperor had recently ordered all Jews out of Rome. 1. Paul met Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth.Reference: Acts 18:1-22Screen # 14/19 Enter y or n .
YES/NO. 4.
Was a new Christian church begun in Athens? Enter g or j .
Jesus calls all people to judgment.
Jesus brings in a new covenant.
God assigns all nations their place on earth.
God created the world and does not need human help.
Jesus is a man who rose from the dead.
Jesus is the messiah predicted in the scriptures.
GREEK/JEW. to GREEKS or to JEWS. Indicate whether the following points would appeal primarily different from his approach to his fellow Jews. 3. Paul's approach to Greek philosophers was considerablyScreen # 13/19
i. Epicurean and Stoic philosophers
h. Areopagus and Agora
g. Aquila and Priscilla Who extended this invitation? foreign gods' (NIV Study Bible, p. 1680). custodians of teachings that introduced new religions and a meeting of the authorities who `considered themselves 2. Paul received a unique invitation to explain the gospel at Enter one letter from each group.
c. marketplace
f. town hall
b. hillside
e. synagogue
a. church
d. riverside 1. In which two places did Paul speak the gospel in Athens?Reference: Acts 17:16-34Screen # 12/19 Enter t or f .
h. Paul was escorted to the next city: Athens.
g. Opponents from Thessalonica agitated in Berea.
f. The church began with a mixture of Jews and Greeks.
e. All the Jews in Berea rejected the gospel.
d. The people in Berea examined carefully what Paul said.
c. The people in Berea treated Paul scurrilously.
b. The missionaries preached first in the synagogue.
a. The missionaries preached first at the riverside.
TRUE/FALSE. 1. These events happened in BEREA.Reference: Acts 17:10-15Screen # 11/19 n. Philippi o. Thessalonica
He left here by slipping away at night.
He left here by official public escort. Philippi with the way he left Thessalonica. 6. It is interesting to contrast the way in which Paul left
m. The Romans
l. The Jews
k. The Greeks 5. What group of people made trouble for Paul in Thessalonica?Screen # 10/19 e. No j. Yes d. Lord's Day i. Three c. Death, resurrection, messiah h. Temple b. Four g. Synagogue a. Faith, hope, and love f. Sabbath
Did the missionaries get a church started in Thessalonica?
Three themes of Paul's preaching.
How many sabbaths was Paul permitted to speak in the synagogue?
When did Paul customarily address the Jews?
Where did Paul customarily address the Jews? 4. Answer the following concerning THESSALONICA .Reference: Acts 17:1-9Screen # 9/19 Enter t or f .
The missionaries left town secretly at night.
The missionary team was escorted publicly out of town.
The provincial governor believed.
The jailkeeper became a believer.
Timothy was put in jail with Luke.
Silas was put in jail with Paul.
Paul healed a fortune-teller.
Paul blinded Elymas.
Lydia was converted.
Dorcas was converted.
TRUE/FALSE. 3. These events happened in PHILIPPI.Reference: Acts 16:11-40Screen # 8/19
Use the same letters as in Question 1. 2. Show to which three of these churches Paul later wrote letters.
h. Troy
g. Thessalonica
f. Sparta Macedonia
Achaia e. Philippi
d. Damascus
c. Corinth
b. Berea 1. Select the five cities evangelized in Greece. a. Athens Reference: Acts 16:11 - 18:1
Screen # 7/19 d. Matthew e. Mark f. Luke g. John
this Second Missionary Journey?
who was the fourth person to join the missionary team on 10.
If the second option mentioned in Question 9 is correct,
c. The author simply changed his style of writing.
b. The author of Acts joined the mission team here.
a. Someone else started writing Acts at this point. the change from `they' to `we'? 9. Which of the following seems to be a likely reason for Enter words. to leave for Macedonia.' After Paul had seen the vision, got ready at once `So passed by Mysia and went down to Troas. ... Fill in the blanks. 8. Notice this minor but interesting item in Acts 16:8-10.Screen # 6/19
may have been Luke, the man who wrote these records in Acts.
Macedonia asking him to come across into Europe. This visitor
NOTE: Paul's vision may have been triggered by a visitor from
w. Troas z. Macedonia v. Philippi y. Galatia u. Ephesus x. Achaia
from the province of
asking for help.
6. While in the city of
Paul had a vision of a man
q. Greece r. Italy s. Russia t. Turkey
Macedonia is in which modern country?
are in which modern country? 5.
The provinces mentioned (except Macedonia)Reference: Acts 16:6-10Screen # 5/19
p. All Christian evangelists should be circumcised.
o. Paul did not want to give unnecessary offense.
n. Paul was giving in to the Judaizers. 4. What was Paul's motivation in circumcising Timothy? Enter letters. j. Titus m. Taught him. i. Timothy l. Ordained him. h. Silas k. Circumcised him.
What Paul did to him.
The young man's name.
MATCH. 3. At Lystra a third member joined Paul's mission team. Enter a letter.
g. Rome
f. Antioch
e. Jerusalem 2. From which city did the expeditions start?Screen # 4/19 Enter letters.
d. Silas
c. Mark Barnabas
b. Syria/Cilicia
a. Cyprus REGION ASSISTANT Fill in the chart. some of the churches founded on their first mission. split up, each taking a new assistant, and each team visiting 1. Instead of traveling together this time, Barnabas and PaulReference: Acts 15:36 - 16:10
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Unit 5
A P O S T L E P A U L T U T O R I A LScreen # 1/19