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Screen # 17/17 c. Deduction from the overall content of the letter. b. Romans 16:1-2 a. Romans 1:8-13; 16:23-29
sending this letter with her.
To take advantage of Phoebe taking a trip to Rome by
explained in person.
To explain in writing the things he would otherwise have
To inform them of his plans to visit them soon.
this letter. 1. It is possible to distinguish three reasons why Paul wrote
Screen # 16/17 2 Corinthians. with another fragment as 6:14 - 7:1) so that we now have them as A later copyist may have combined these separate letters (along Corinthians 1-9) and dispatches Titus back to Corinth with it. Paul immediately writes a `Comfort Letter' (which is now 2 Corinth has received the letter well. Titus in Macedonia, and Titus reports that the church in what effect this `Distress Letter' has. He meets returning A religious riot forces Paul to leave Ephesus before he learns Titus to Corinth to deliver it. (This is now 2 Cor. 10-13). letter to Corinth, Paul writes a `Distress Letter' and sends Having heard distressing repercussions concerning his first understood as follows. The circumstances and structure of 2 Corinthians can be bestScreen # 15/17 4. In general, what is Paul's mood in chapters 10-13?
13:2 l. warning
11:1,16-17; 12:11 k. foolishness
11:13-15 j. accusation
10:8,13-18; 11:16-21,30; 12:1,5 i. boasting Each group of passages has one main theme. 3. MATCH the references and the themes (2 Corinthians).Screen # 14/17 Enter c or d .
2. In general, what is Paul's mood in chapters 1-9?
8:1 - 9:15 h. comfort from God
7:5-7 g. forgiveness
6:12-13; 7:2 f. renewal
5:18-20 e. confidence
5:6-8 d. reconciliation
4:16 c. open hearts
2:5-11 b. comfort from Titus
1:3-7 a. collection of money
1. MATCH the references (2 Corinthians) with the themes.
2 C O R I N T H I A N S
Screen # 13/17 g. Defends Paul's apostolic authority.
f. Discusses a series of problems which arose in the church.
e. Explains the second coming of Jesus.
d. Condemns legalism in Christian churches. best describes this letter (1 Corinthians)? 2. Judging by the references in question 1, which of the following
A letter from the church in Corinth. c. 1 Cor. 16:17
Reports from travellers. b. 1 Cor. 7:1
From a delegation of elders. a. 1 Cor. 1:11 how did he learn about what was going on in Corinth? 1. If Paul was in Ephesus when he wrote 1 Corinthians,
1 C O R I N T H I A N S
Screen # 12/17 third mission, after he arrived in Corinth. In addition, it is very likely that Paul wrote Romans during this (chapters 1-9) sent via Titus after their reunion in Macedonia. via Titus prior to the riot in Ephesus, and a `comfort letter' of two different letters, a `severe letter' (chapters 10-13) sent 2 Corinthians as we have it in the Bible is probably a combination He may have written 1 Corinthians early in his stay in Ephesus. 1 and 2 Corinthians during his third mission. It is generally accepted that Paul wrote the letters we know as
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9:5 d. Paul provides credentials for Titus and associates.
8:23 c. Titus continues this project on his own initiative.
8:17 b. Titus had made a prior beginning on this project.
8:6 a. Titus' mission is to supervise a collection of money.
(2 Corinthians) MATCH. 6. Paul immediately sends Titus back to Corinth on another mission. Enter t or f .
x. Paul was disturbed greatly by Titus' report.
w. Titus reported that the Corinthians respected Paul.
v. Titus reported that the Corinthians had repented of some sin.
u. Titus was disheartened with the results of that trip.
r. To discover what Paul's rival Apollos was doing.
q. To serve as interim pastor until Paul arrived.
p. To deliver a letter from Paul. Use your best judgment. 4. For what purpose had Paul sent Titus to Corinth originally? i. Corinth k. Milan m. Titus o. Troas h. Asia j. Macedonia l. Timothy n. Syracuse
The province where they finally did meet.
The city to which Paul had earlier sent this man.
The city where Paul expected to meet this man, but didn't.
The person Paul is writing about in these references. 3. Information gleaned from 2 Corinthians.7:13-167:5-7References: 2 Corinthians 2:12-13Screen # 9/17
g. Departed after a religious riot.
f. Driven out by enraged Jews.
e. Escorted out by town authorities. 2. Under what circumstances did Paul leave Ephesus? a. Achaia b. Jerusalem c. Macedonia d. Rome
The province to which he sent two assistants in advance.
The city Paul wished to visit after Jerusalem.
The other of the two provinces to be visited.
One of two provinces to be visited on the way back.
The city to which Paul decided to return. 1. What were Paul's travel plans prior to the riot?Reference: Acts 19:21 - 20:1
Screen # 8/17 Enter letters (not all are used). t. Corinth x. Old Testament b. temple s. Cairo w. New Testament a. Tarsus r. Athens v. Luke and Lydia z. synagogue q. Alexandria u. Ephesus y. Priscilla and Aquila
and preached to the Christians in this city.
From Ephesus, Apollos traveled to the province of Achaia
help Apollos understand the gospel even better.
This married couple, friends of Paul, were able to
met in this place.
Apollos talked eloquently about Jesus to the Jews who
Apollos knew this book well.
Apollos worked in this city before Paul arrived there.
Apollos was a native of this Egyptian city.
MATCH. in 1 Corinthians. 5. Concerning Apollos, who is mentioned prominently here and Reference : Acts 18:24 - 19:7Screen # 7/17 Enter y or n .
p. Devotees of Artemis incited a riot against Christians.
o. Sorcerors burned their books of sorcery.
n. Paul and Silas were arrested and put in prison.
m. Paul wrote Ephesians. \Tyrannus.
l. Paul became an instructor in religion in the school of
k. Paul met twelve converts of Apollos.
j. The sons of Sceva tried to imitate Paul's miracles.
i. Aquila and Priscilla were converted.
YES/NO. in Ephesus? 4. Which of the following events occurred during Paul's ministry Screen # 6/17 f. Apollos g. Simon Peter h. Stephen
What evangelist preceded Paul in Ephesus? (18:24) c. three weeks d. three months e. three years 2.
Compare Acts 19:8, 19:10, 20:31.
How long did Paul remain in Ephesus? a. Ephesus b. Miletus c. Troas
to which city? 1.
mission, Paul traveled west across the province of Asia
After revisiting the Galatian churches during the thirdReference: Acts 19:1 - 20:1
Screen # 5/17 Enter letters.
Courier to Corinth e. Secundus j. Tychicus
d. Luke i. Trophimus
c. Gaius h. Titus
Author of Acts b. Erastus g. Timothy
a. Aristarchus f. Sopater In the following list, find the names of two men NOT mentioned. 1. Consult the references for names of men who assisted Paul. letters he wrote to Corinth. and the other is Paul's main courier in connection with the are not mentioned, however. One of them is the author of Acts, Paul during this third mission. Two men, otherwise prominent, Numerous people are mentioned by name in Acts as assistingReferences: Acts 19:22 and 20:4
Screen # 4/17 Enter a letter.
20:15 g. Troas
f. Miletus
e. Macedonia
20:6 d. Jerusalem
c. Greece
b. Galatia and Phrygia
20:3 a. Ephesus
MATCH the references with the locations. 1. Consult a map of Paul's third missionary journey.Reference: Acts 18:23 - 21:15
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Unit 6
A P O S T L E P A U L T U T O R I A LScreen # 1/17