The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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To print this file turn your printer on then when you get back to the
DOS Prompt type:
TYPE BIBLETTE.DOC>PRN and then Press the Enter Key
(c) Copyright Paul Godin 1993
Some people have asked me why I used the King James Version instead
of one of the other 27 versions. Why should I reject a version of the Bible
that God has blessed more in the last 300 years than all the other
centuries of life? There's been more people saved, more churches organized,
more missionaries sent forth and more preacher called under the preaching
from King James than all the other versions combined! If God has blessed it
so much, why should I reject it?
This program is designed to encourage you to study the Bible. Since the
Bible does the best job of explaining itself, I thought that an easy to
use cross reference program would be a helper to bible students, Sunday
School teachers and anyone else wanting increase their understanding.
Type BIBLETTE to start the program. After you Esc out of the opening screen
the program will ask you for a Drive and a Directory. You need to press a
valid letter for the Drive. Then the current Directory will appear in the
Second box. You can press return to use that directory or type in a new one.
If you type in an invalid directory the default one is used.
Any files, with a .Kjv extention will be listed on the screen. All you need
to do is select the corresponding number for the file you wish to use.
Initially, there will only be one, the one I entered, Revelati.Kjv. If you
wish to start a new file then enter a zero and press enter. the program will
ask you to type in a new file name. The filename you type in has to be a
valid DOS Filename.
Once you select a file or start a new one the program will load that file
and will display the first record in that file. The rest of the records can
be viewed by using the up/down arrow keys. Pressing the F2 key will flip
you to the Reference Screen. Pressing the F3 key will flip you to the Notes
EXAMPLE: I've used the PgUp Key and I'm on card 45 of the Main Screen. Then
I hit the F2 key. The program will search the Reference Deck until
it finds the first matching reference. It will put that card on top
and Flip me to the Reference Screen. If no reference Match was found
it will leave the first card on top and flip to reference screen.
The notes screen always starts at the first line of notes and the
verse you were in while in the main screen appears in the upper
right corner.
The highlighted letters across the bottom of the screen, while in the Main
Screen or Reference Screen, and what they do are explained below.
to add a new card and a blank card will appear on the screen. The cursor
will appear at the top of the card in the 'Verse Reference' area.
Use the TAB KEY to move the cursor from section to section. Once you've
entered all the information you want then press the Enter Key to accept the
record. (If you find you have made an error in the information after you
have tabbed to the next area, you can continue to TAB until you come back
to that section or you can Hold the Shift Key down while Pressing the Tab
Key to move through the card in reverse order.)
to edit the top card. Use the TAB KEY to move to the desired area of the
card. When all editing is complete press ENTER to accept the changes.
(The Home Key, End Key, Ins Key and Del Key all work in the normal fashion
when in the Edit Mode.)
To copy the top card. If the Card you want to enter is similar to the top
card, it would be better to Copy the top card and edit it rather then add
a new card and start from scratch.
to delete the top card. This Function doesn't really delete the Card. It
Swaps with the last Card in the Deck and tells the program that there is
one less Card. If you Deleted Cards you can get them back the U key for
Undelete. You can do this anytime during your session as long as you don't
Sort the deck! Once you Sort the cards are lost. If you haven't Undeleted
before you Quit out of the file, the program will re-write the deck leaving
out the deleted Cards.
To Find a particular Card. This routine will give you a blank card. You
Tab to the area or areas that you want to use for a search. Type in the
word or words you want to find. The program will search the deck for the
first appearance of your word/words in the line that you entered them in.
If a match is found, that card appears on the screen.
EXAMPLE: I want to find any Card that has the word Babylon on the second
line. I would press F for Find then Tab to the Second line and type
Babylon. The program searches the deck for a card with Babylon on the
second line. If it finds it, it becomes the top card. If it doesn't find
it, it prints a message saying so.
EXAMPLE: I want to find a Card that has CITY in the first line and town in
the Second line. I would press F then Tab to the first line. Type in
city then Tab to line two and type town. If there is a Card in the deck
with city in the first line and town in the second, it will become the
top card otherwise a not found message will appear.
to sort the cards. You can Tab to the area use wish to use a the Primary
Key then press enter. Then you can Tab to the area you want to use as the
Secondary Key then press enter. Then you can Tab to the area you want to
use as the third key then press enter. After the sort completes, Part of
the card, line after line, will appear on the screen until the whole deck
is displayed. Pressing the space bar stops the scrolling. Pressing the
space bar a second time starts it back up. Once the whole deck has been
displayed the normal screen will appear.
to print. The PRINT MENU will appear on the screen.
PRESS "1 = Entire Main Body & References Side by Side - Notes Following"
PRESS "2 = Entire Main Body - Then References & Notes Following"
PRESS "3 = Main Body Only"
PRESS "4 = Reference Section Only"
PRESS "5 = Notes Only"
Once you press a number the program will ask you if you want to goto the
Printer or a File. If you select File, it will ask you for a filename.
For this routine to funtion properly your file needs to be sorted, keying
on the reference sections. The main card prints and then looks for the
first reference card that matches. It assumes that the cards are in order,
and prints from the reference file until it no longer matches.
PRESS Q: TO QUIT THE PROGRAM. All updated information was saved as it was
entered. Only if records have been deleted will the file be re-
written. The program will ask if you want to work with a different
file set before exiting. If you answer yes, it'll take you back to
the opening screen, otherwise it will dump you at the DOS Prompt.
I hope you enjoy the program. If you do be sure to register.
I intend to cross reference other books of the Bible, starting with
the New Testament. If you would be interested in those please let
me know.
FILES: The files included in BIBLETTE Ver. 1.0 are as follows:
BIBLETTE.EXE - The Main Program.
BIBLETTE.HLP - Help File accessed from inside program.
BIBLETTE.DOC - Documentation for the program.
EXITING.EXE - Routine for shareware message & Registration Print out.
REGISTER.DOC - One page Registration sheet Printed from Exiting.exe
REVELATI.KJV - The Main Screen Data Set.
REVELATI.REF - The Reference Screen Data Set.
REVELATI.NTS - The Notes Screen Data Set.
VENDOR.TXT - Information for Vendors or others on distributing
BIB-ETTE.EXE - Self extracting file containing all the above Programs.
INSTALL.BAT - Batch routine to load files to a Hard Drive.
README.DOC - A note explaining how to load to Hard Drive.
The first nine files MUST be included when distributing this program.
If you wish to use a different compression technique you can leave
BIBLETTE Ver. 1.0 - Registration Form
I greatly appreciate your taking the time to complete this
questionnaire. Your suggestions and comments are important to me,
as they help me evaluate and improve this program.
Name:________________________________________ Date: _________
Where did you get your copy from? __________________________
During the Trial Period, you used this program:
[ ] more than 10 times
[ ] 5 to 10 times
[ ] less than 5 times
Using a scale of 1 to 10 (1 = Terrible, 5 = Average, 10 = Excellent)
Please indicate:
Your general satisfaction with the Program: _____
The ease of using this Program: _____
The practicality or usefulness of the Program: _____
What would you say are the best features of this program?
What would you say are its worst features?
Have you noticed any extraneous or useless features? (Please List)
Please list suggested enhancements to existing features?
Please list new features that you feel should be added to the Program.
Please describe any problems you encountered in using this Program.
Additional Comments:
Return this form & fee to: Paul Godin
$15.00 is Suggested. 7581 Brewer Jr.
Millington, MI 48746-9545
U.S.A. (517) 871-3027