The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Here is your chance to select which Topic/Subject you would prefer to see
developed as the next Motivational and Inspirational Tutorial through the
Shareware System. You will also find brief comments and questions on each
proposed Topic/Subject.
1. SALVATION AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: The idea here is to find out what
the Bible is saying about treatment of the poor and our Social
Responsibilities as Christians. Also, what are the implications
of "The Year Of Jubliee" for us today?
2. SALVATION AND HUMAN RELATIONSHIP: How does salvation direct the
attitudes and behavior of Christians toward mankind, especially,
toward fellow-believers?
3. THE TEST OF PROSPERITY: Was Jesus teaching in "The Sermon On The
Mount" that His followers are to accept abject poverty as the
means of becoming spiritual? Or, was He teaching that godly people
are to exercise dominion over the earth and be able to manage
God's resources to do good to all?
Was Jesus teaching that His followers are to put themselves in
positions where they can handle the TEST OF PROSPERITY for God's
glory instead of living in luxery to boast over the poor? But if
Christians are to accept abject pooverty, who are those servants
of Christ who are to give "Meat in due seanson" to others?
4. THE SWORD AND PLOWSHARE: Is the issue of turning the sword into
agrecultral tools for feeding people a consideration for a future
"Kingdom Age"? Or, is this a ministry of followers of Christ in
the here and now? Could it be that while ungodly people are waging
wars, godly people who are enlightened by God's Spirit, are to be
using technology to demonstrate pratical love to mankind?
5. RESPONSIBILITIES FOR "HEIRS OF GOD": What are the implications and
the responsibilities of "Joint_Heirs With Christ"? When and where
will these "Heirs of God and Joint-Heirs with Christ" carry out
their functions and responsibilities?
6. THE SCOPE OF "THE GREAT COMMISSION": When Jesus said words to the
effect that ULTIMATE POWER AND AUTHORITY have been given unto Him,
was He limiting this to spiritual power? Does "The Great Commiss-
ion" give Christians a mandate to exercise power under God for
doing things which authenticate the message of the Gospel? In what
way is Jesus, "By the power of His word," exercising power and is
"Upholding all things" in the universe?
7. CHRISTIANS AND TAXATION: Should Christians be advocating that Tax
Laws be more supportive of Family Units? make it easier for
families to afford better education for their children? for more
business-minded families to carry on businesses out of their homes?
for Christians to use international business opportunities to do
good to mankind around the world? Should Christians be advocating
for Fair Tax laws for the poor?
8. HAVING THE MIND OF CHRIST: What are the implications of Christians
having "The mind which was also in Christ Jesus"? Does this
include knowledge, wisdom and understanding as they relate to
Jesus? How was the mind of Jesus, as a man, affecting His decisions
as He "Went about doing good," showing God's care for the whole
man? Is there also a social dimension to the mind?
Are Christians showing qualities of "The mind of Christ" when we
seem to be cutting ourselves off from the creation in which God is
demonstrating His wisdom and His power? Should churches everywhere
be assisting and encouraging people to develop themselves intellect-
ually to show likeness to the God of wisdom?
9. NUTRITION AND THE MIND: Since there is a spiritual and an inte-
llectual dimension of the mind, how does lack of nurishment affect
the ability of the poor to love and serve God with the mind? Should
churches be seeing it as part of world-wide mission to link adiquate
nurishment to educational development of the poor?
These are some of the Topics which Balanced Prosperity Company will be look-
ing at in seeking to bring more Motivational and Inspirational Studies to
the public around the world. The Shareware System of presenting Programs to
a world-wide audience will help to let my company know what people around
the world want to see done.
You as a Registered User of this Motivational Tutorial can add you voice to
many others in promoting a new approach to how we study and apply ETERNAL
TRUTH. You can play a role in ensuring that we approach the Bible beyond
doctrianl consideration. You can vote to help speed up the process of
applying the knowledge of TRUTH to human experience. Evidently, the word of
God which is alive, speaks to people in their language, where they are on a
daily basis. This does not change TRUTH in any way but makes it alive.
Make your selection by simply indicating which of all the listed Topics you
would like to see developed into Motivational Studies in a sequence of
priorities. Put a number, 1-9 under the first four Topics of your choice.
1st. Selection/ 2nd. Selection/ 3hd. Selection/ 4th. Selection
......... ......... ......... .........
Mail your selection to:
Balanced Prosperity Company
Att. David Johnson
P. O. Box 31097; 1300 King Street E.
Oshawa, Ont.; Canada
L1H 8N9