Where DID You Get That Hat?
RWE must be the hottest hot property in the Amiga market. The
group as produced large numbers of libraries and utilities for game
development and the Blitz Compiler.
We've all got our little jobs, a list of which might look like this.
Nigel Hughes : BlitzBombers Project Manager/Fuhrier. Famous for his
recent desertion of the Amiga Market, and his inability to get things
to work on any machine other than his own. He's now started PC coding,
and claims it's not _THAT_ bad. He lies a lot.
Mike Richards : Clicks the mouse a few times and calls it artwork. After
Nigel spent 18 months training him to use less colours, now flatly refuses to
use more than 32 unless he is constrained to only using colours with odd
palette entries that are root primes.
Steve "No-Web-Page" Matty : Stunt programming, latest trick involved writing a chunky
to planar routine while parachuting out of the Space Shuttle. What a mess.
Steve "No-Web-Page" McNamara : Programming and oracle of all things RIGHT. He also
provides a rather interesting line of extra features for BlitzBombers, ahem.
Mark Tiffany : Lives in his own wibbly-wobbly virtual world. A whizz
with HTML and install scripts, the man is a diva.
Steve Innell (Sounds like Intel?) : Spends five weeks constructing
a 1.2Gb tune that could have been done on the C64 in 4k, then defends it
to the death.
Steve "The Blabber" Green : Um? Not sure, I think he does the listening to radio one...
I'm sure we would all like to say a BIG thank you to Matt Broughton at The One,
and wave a pink tutu at throb, who so kindly livened up our interview.
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