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REDHot Off The Press - Get Excited!

9th September 1996 : SuperTED v2.22 available for download

here to download the latest SuperTED archive.

31st August 1996 : Problems with SuperTED v2.22?

Many reports of problems with the new SuperTED v2.22 have been received. It has been confirmed that these problems are due to the old preferences file. To accomodate the new 24-bit palette information, the file format had changed which led to many problems.

To fix these problems, just delete the file ENVARC:ted.prefs and reboot your machine.

Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

28th August 1996 : New version of SuperTED available

SuperTED v2.22 is now available from your local Aminet mirror. Features many bug fixes including the infamous black-on-black menu's for our WB2 friends out there.

27th August 1996 : Redi Project Initiated

Amiga Guide has had its day. Although the Blitz Support Suite supplies all Acid Software and RWE help in Amiga Guide format, we felt that Amiga Guide did not provide suffcient authoring capabilities. We have chosen HTML as the logical progression. It is going to be a big project, but are just designing the test pages now. We would like your feed back so go to RediHome Demo and please let us know what you think of the layout. Now is the time to tell us what you think!

22nd August 1996 : Double Whammy: Blitz Support Suite Complete, Official WebPage Obtained!

We now have an official web-page for Red When Excited Ltd, if you're here then you've found it!

Blitz Support Suite is now available and can be obtained from GuildHall Lesuire Services Ltd. Contact them on:

+44 01302 890000

Leading Edge in Name Change Shocker! January 1996

Leading Edge have recently changed their name to Red When Excited (RWE). This might cause a little confusion at first, but you'll have to get used to it 8).

Blitz Bombers

Both the PC and Amiga versions have been indefinatly delayed. This is due to some legal problems, and hopefully it will be released soon. This has however allowed us to concentrate on some new products for the Amiga and PC.
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Please email Mike Richards if there are any comments you wish to make about these Web pages.