Interdictor II
Interdictor II is based on the acclaimed Interdictor I flight simulator and inherits many of the original Interdictor features. It also has many additional features which include:
- More accurate aircraft model
- Flying brick' mode that makes you indestructible
- Waypoints to assist navigation
- A wealth of ground detail with a large number of simulated vehicles
- LOCSAC computer for tracking enemy aircraft
- Enemy cargo aircraft carrying supply trucks
- Tanks are armed with unguided ground to air rockets.
Interdictor II is a blend of pure simulation and gameplay. You are in control of a high performance jet whose performance and handling characteristics have been carefully designed. The realism and responsiveness of this simulation are the most striking features of the game. The enemy actions are also simulated; there are no pre planned scenarios and the action depends on how you choose to play.
A typical Interdictor screen shot
Interdictor II does not use sprites of missiles or explosions instead everything is a true simulation and is calculated in real time. Explosions consist of hundreds of particles each following a unique trajectory under the influence of gravity. The debris from explosions consists of bits of the object falling with gravity and air resistance. Each bullet and cannon shell is modelled and the exact impact point on any object is calculated. Trucks and cars really drive along the roads under their own guidance. Enemy aircraft react to your movements and need to re-fuel and rearm when supplies are low.
Enemy defences are:
- Combat aircraft - with similar capability to you
- Ack-ack guns
- Surface-to-air missiles (SAMS)
Your weapons and defences are:
- 30mm cannon
- Air-to-ground rockets
- Heat seeking air-to-air missiles
- Chaff
- Flares
The Interdictor II world is approximately 10,000 square kilometers, with hundreds of kilometers of roads, river and railway. There are nine combat arenas, each with an airfield at its centre. Reconnaissance photographs have been used to produce a map of this world.
The Interdictor starts on runway Alpha, this is the only non-hostile arena. Your mission is to remove all enemy presence from the remaining designated combat arenas.
Each combat arena consists of a runway and a number of targets, these are identified of your tactical map briefing. Whilst the enemy is in control of an arena you may not land on its runway. To take control of an arena you must destroy all the targets in the arena and the hanger next to the runway.
When (and if) supply vehicles reach a runway their cargo is deployed throughout that arena. There is no pre set order for attacking the enemy. You plan your own campaign!
Interdictor II costs just £7.90 including UK post
Please add £1 carriage outside the UK
This web site © APDL 2006. Artwork produced using DrawWorks XL