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Software Licensing

This page is intended to clarify our normal Terms and Conditions for software licences. It is not meant as a substitute for the Licence Conditions normally included with any individual software product. The aim is to describe more fully our normal licence conditions in a way that can easily be updated to answer queries from customers.


  1. Nothing on this page can in any way reduce or restrict any licence supplied with the software. It can only clarify and expand it.
  2. These concessions apply only to software published by APDL, APDL-ProAction and iSV Products. Where we supply software produced by third parties (e.g. David Pilling) you should apply directly to the producer of the software for any clarification.
  3. No concessions or enhancements of individual software licences described on this page shall be regarded as binding upon us, nor shall the withdrawal of any of these concessions be regarded as a reduction of the normal licence or give you any grounds for a price reduction or refund. It merely lays out what we would normally regard as "fair usage" for our software. We reserve the right to withdraw any of these concessions, either generally or for any individual or organisation, at our discretion.
  4. Unless specified otherwise "APDL" means APDL, APDL-ProAction, and iSV Products
  5. "Single computer" means just one computer. Where the software is physically installed on one machine but is accessible to others on which it is capable of being run via a network or otherwise this would count as a multi-user installation and you should contact APDL to ask about an appropriate licence unless the concessions below mean that a single user licence would suffice. If in doubt, ask.

The "Single user, single computer" licence

This is the licence which will normally apply to all our software. It means that the program is intended for use by a single person and should only be installed on a single computer. However, for non commercial use, as many people now may have more than one machine, we would normally permit this licence to be extended, and so the following extensions would be allowed.

Where the single user has more than one computer, for example, a desktop machine and a laptop, a RiscPC and a PC running Virtual Acorn, or some other combination, we would normally allow the software to be used on up to three such machines.

However this would only be permitted where the machines are only ever used by one person, or where, if the machines may be used by more than one person they can never be used by more than a single person at any time.

Where you install software on more than one computer its use under a Single User Licence would only be permitted if there is no real possibility that another person might simultaneously use the software on another machine.

Where the software is installed on a single computer there is no restriction on the number of people who may use that computer

However "installed on a single computer" does not mean " installed on one computer where the software can be accessed by other machines over a network.

Site Licence clarifications

A "Site Licence" normally means exactly what is says. The software is licensed for installation and use on the number of machines specified in the licence (which may be "Unlimited") at the specified location.

Normally we would allow the specified location to encompass more than one building, for example, where a school has an annex. If in doubt, ask when you apply for your licence.

For educational use a site licence would also permit staff, (note - not pupils) to use the software on a computer at their home where the software is to be used solely for purposes associated with their work, but any such computers are counted in the number of machines for which the software is licensed.

An Unlimited Site Licence will normally allow the software to be installed on employees machines at home and on portable computers which are used "off site" provided that the software is used solely for purposes associated with work for the company or organisation that holds the site licence.

If in doubt about any of the above then ask first. We will normally be sympathetic and try to accommodate your needs.

This web site © APDL 2006. Artwork produced using DrawWorks XL