RISC World
RISCOS Version

Vol 7, Issue 2

The CD-ROM magazine for RISC OS users.

News and Comment

  • Comment
    Dave Bradforth has some views on the current sale of shares in Castle Technology Ltd...
  • Editors Corner
    The Editors own safe haven.



ArtWorks Made Easy



  • SDL for RISC OS
    Neil White explains how to use the Simple DirectMedia Layer in RISC OS applications.


  • EasyFont2
    A full 32bit version of EasyFont, free!

Budget DTP


  • CD
    Matt Thompson puts the latest 4th Dimension CD under the magnifying glass.

The Endpiece

© Copyright 2006 APDL. RISC World is published by APDL and edited by Aaron Timbrell. See the contact page for details of how to get in touch to subscribe, place an advert or contact the editor.