page contains an editbox for each file panel page. The number of
edit boxes will varry between one and sixteen depending on the number
of file panels that are configured. See the
Panels Layout topic in the View Sttings Page section for more information.
path must be specified as an absolute path containing the drive, path,
and folder name. The editboxes specify the starting path for each
of the file panels.. You can use the [...] buttons to browse for a folder or you can simply type them in manually.
Just Managers default behavior, if no
startup folders are specified, is to start with the folders for each
tab and file panel as when Just Manager was last closed. If a
startup folder is specified on this page then the specified folder will
be used instead of the last used folder in the last active tab.
If a startup folder is left blank then it is ignored and the next
path is used (so if the first path is left blank then the second path
will be used for the first file panel).
Note that if
command line parameters are specified when launching Just Manager then they will override these settings.