Connecting a Machine to the Master
All sounds which output to the audio card must eventually be routed to the Master Machine. Therefore, to enable your newly added PrimiFun, you must connect it to the machine marked Master, in the middle of your screen.

To connect the PrimiFun to the Master:
  1. Hold shift, then left-click the PrimiFun and drag from the PrimiFun to the Master.
  2. Once your mouse (and the line) are positioned over the Master, release the shift key and the mouse button.
  3. A thin line will appear indicating the connection is being made.
The PrimiFun is now connected (routed) to the master, therefore audio output is possible. All machines are connected with this shift-drag method.

You will immediately notice the triangle that appears between the two newly connected machines. This triangle is known as the Signal Arrow. This serves the following purposes:
You are now ready to add a melody to your song.
