Recording Parameter Movements

You've most likely noticed how powerful and versatile the real-time functionality of changing machine parameters works in Buzz. But now its time to actually record (commit) your "tweaks" as you perform them.

Lets try this on the PrimiFun:

  1. Switch to the Machine Editor (F3).
  2. Double-click the PrimiFun to open its parameter window.
  3. Press F7 or click the red record button on the top toolbar.
  4. Change various parameters on the PrimiFun with your mouse.
You've just recorded your slider movements! You will immediately notice that as the song loops through its 16 notes (the default loop length), it will play your changes.

Important Note: What you have just done is script various parameter values in real-time to the current pattern. You will now learn how to edit these directly within in the pattern itself.

Important Note 2: Recording parameter movements requires a pattern to which the parameters should be recorded. Logically, recording will only work when the machine that you want to record parameter changes of, has a pattern that is being played in the sequence at the moment you change the parameters (adding patterns to the sequence is done in the sequence editor).

When you want to record parameters of e.g. an effect, which's column hasn't been inserted in the sequence editor yet, make sure you add it's column to the sequence editor before you can add a pattern, before you can start recording.

