New & Notable

Four Grand Challenge Teams Surpass 50 GigaFLOPS on CRAY T3E Systems
Principal Investigator Discipline GSFC 512-node T3E  Other Systems
Graham Carey
Univ. of Texas
Microgravity 51.6 gigaFLOPS 112.8 gigaFLOPS - 1,024-node T3E-900
John Gardner
Naval Research Lab
Solar/Heliospheric Dynamics 47.7 and 27.8 gigaFLOPS (2 codes)

57 gigaFLOPS - 512-node T3E-900

60 gigaFLOPS - 680-node T3E-900

Peter Olson
Johns Hopkins Univ.
Mantle Convection and Plate Movement  35.9 gigaFLOPS 86.8 gigaFLOPS - 1,024-node T3E-900
Paul Saylor
Univ. of Illinois
General Relativity and Radiation  N/A 65 gigaFLOPS - 512-node CRAY T3E-900
GSFC 512-Processor CRAY T3E Ties for Sixth on LINPACK Benchmark
The system's performance of 176 gigaFLOPS on the LINPACK Benchmark ranks it number six (tie) in the world. In a May 14 dedication ceremony, the CRAY T3E was named for Dr. Joanne Simpson, GSFC chief scientist for meteorology. NASA investigators may apply collectively for twenty percent of the computing time. These investigators will receive no direct funding from the ESS Project but may receive technical support.
Hyakutake X-Rays Show Ability to Monitor Comets and Solar Wind
A supercomputer simulation of Comet Hyakutake's interaction with the solar wind demonstrates that resulting X-ray emissions can be used to monitor comets and solar wind phenomena, ESS Project-funded researchers write in the May 9 issue of Science. The University of Michigan Grand Challenge team ran the model on GSFC's 512-processor CRAY T3D.
Cooperative Agreement Milestones
Now available are the milestones for the $25.8 million set of Cooperative Agreements with the Science Team II Grand Challenge Investigators and Cray Research, Inc. Progress is shown on meeting, among others, supercomputer performance milestones of 10, 50, and 100 gigaFLOPS. Read about the codes that achieved10 gigaFLOPS.
"Images of Earth and Space" Videotape Obtainable
Take a trek through colorful scientific visualizations developed by NASA researchers and ESS Project investigators. Multiple-style electronic music and lay-level narration provide the accompaniment. The tape can be ordered in VHS and Betacam SP formats.

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Authorizing NASA Official: James R. Fischer, ESS Project Manager
Web Curator: Jarrett S. Cohen,
Last Modified: October 3, 1997