Grand Challenges

A Grand Challenge is a fundamental problem in science and engineering, with broad scientific and economic impact, whose solution can be advanced by high-performance computing.

Science Team I
Eight Grand Challenge Principal Investigator (PI) teams chosen through a 1992 NASA Research Announcement completed their work in spring 1996. The PI teams and 21 Guest Computational Investigator (GCI) teams together comprised Science Team I.
Science Team II
Through NASA HPCC/ESS Cooperative Agreements beginning in 1996, a collaboration among ESS Project scientists, nine PI teams, and Cray Research will result in a 10-fold increase in applications performance. Watch their progress by viewing their milestones. Project Scientist George Lake, professor of astronomy at the University of Washington, is coordinating research and reporting activities.

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Authorizing NASA Official: James R. Fischer, ESS Project Manager
Web Curator: Jarrett S. Cohen,
Last Modified: March 25, 1997