Grand Challenges
A Grand Challenge is a fundamental problem in science and engineering,
with broad scientific and economic impact, whose solution can be advanced
by high-performance computing.
- Science Team I
- Eight Grand Challenge Principal Investigator
(PI) teams chosen through a 1992 NASA Research Announcement completed
their work in spring 1996. The PI teams and 21 Guest
Computational Investigator (GCI) teams together comprised Science Team I.
- Science Team II
- Through NASA HPCC/ESS Cooperative Agreements
beginning in 1996, a collaboration among ESS Project
scientists, nine PI teams, and Cray Research
will result in a 10-fold increase in applications performance. Watch their
progress by viewing their milestones.
Project Scientist George
Lake, professor of astronomy at the University of Washington, is coordinating
research and reporting activities.
| Testbeds | Grand
Challenges | Computational Challenges | Systems SW
Basic Research | Evaluation
| Reports | Community
| News
Authorizing NASA Official: James R. Fischer, ESS Project Manager
Web Curator: Jarrett S. Cohen,
Last Modified: March 25, 1997