Highlights for FY96

October 1995 to September 1996

Earth and Space Sciences Project

Grand Challenge Applications and Algorithms

Climate Data Assimilation on Massively Parallel Supercomputers

Performance Analysis and optimization on the UCLA Parallel AGCM Code

Supporting Grand Challenge Projects: The earth's interior modeling and the global climate modeling

A Parallel Incompressible Flow Solver Package with a Parallel Multigrid Elliptic Kernel

Computing Testbeds

System Software Research and Development

Parallel Support Software for Matlab

Fortran Instrumentation Environment for Pablo

Object-Oriented Programming with Fortran90

Development of software tools for automatic local error estimation and parallel mesh adaptation

Parallel Volume Rendering

Distributed Visualization

National Research and Education Network [NREN]

ACTS Keck/GCM Experiment

Basic Research and Human Resources

Parallel Computation for 3D Thermal Convection

Software Infrastructure for High-Performance Distributed Computing

Collective I/O Techniques for Parallel I/O

Initiatives in Petaflops Computing

Point Design Studies for Petaflops Computer Architecture

Information Infrastructure and Technology Applications

Educational Outreach

Project SPACE (Sun, Planets, Asteriods and Comets Exploration)

Telescopes In Education

Remote Exploration and Experimentation Project

REE Project Study Phase

Last modified 12 Oct 96 by Robert Ferraro