Class PickIntersection


public class PickIntersection
extends java.lang.Object

Holds information about an intersection of a PickShape with a Node as part of a PickResult. Information about the intersected geometry, intersected primitive, intersection point, and closest vertex can be inquired.

The intersected geometry is indicated by an index into the list of geometry arrays on the PickResult. It can also be inquired from this object.

The intersected primitive indicates which primitive out of the GeometryArray was intersected (where the primitive is a point, line, triangle or quad, not a com.sun.j3d.utils.geometry.Primitive). For example, the intersection would indicate which triangle out of a triangle strip was intersected. The methods which return primitive data will have one value if the primitive is a point, two values if the primitive is a line, three values if the primitive is a triangle and four values if the primitive is quad.

The primitive's VWorld coordinates are saved when then intersection is calculated. The local coordinates, normal, color and texture coordinates for the primitive can also be inquired if they are present and readable.

The intersection point is the location on the primitive which intersects the pick shape closest to the center of the pick shape. The intersection point's location in VWorld coordinates is saved when the intersection is calculated. The local coordinates, normal, color and texture coordiantes of at the intersection can be interpolated if they are present and readable.

The closest vertex is the vertex of the primitive closest to the intersection point. The vertex index, VWorld coordinates and local coordinates of the closest vertex can be inquired. The normal, color and texture coordinate of the closest vertex can be inquired from the geometry array:

      Vector3f getNormal(PickIntersection pi, int vertexIndex) {
          int index;
          Vector3d normal = new Vector3f();
          GeometryArray ga = pickIntersection.getGeometryArray();
          if (pickIntersection.geometryIsIndexed()) {
              index = ga.getNormalIndex(vertexIndex);
          } else {
              index = vertexIndex;
          ga.getNormal(index, normal);
          return normal;

The color, normal and texture coordinate information for the intersected primitive and the intersection point can be inquired the geometry includes them and the corresponding READ capibility bits are set. PickTool.setCapabilties(Node, int) can be used to set the capability bits to allow this data to be inquired.

Method Summary
 boolean geometryIsIndexed()
          Returns true if the geometry is indexed
 Point3d getClosestVertexCoordinates()
          Get coordinates of closest vertex (local)
 Point3d getClosestVertexCoordinatesVW()
          Get coordinates of closest vertex (world)
 int getClosestVertexIndex()
          Get index of closest vertex
 double getDistance()
          Get the distance from the PickShape start point to the intersection point
 GeometryArray getGeometryArray()
          Returns the GeometryArray for the intersection
 int getGeometryArrayIndex()
          Returns the index of the intersected GeometryArray into the geometry arrays in the PickResult
 Color4f getPointColor()
          Returns the color of the intersection point.
 Point3d getPointCoordinates()
          Returns the coordinates of the intersection point (local coordinates), if available.
 Point3d getPointCoordinatesVW()
          Returns the coordinates of the intersection point (world coordinates), if available.
 Vector3f getPointNormal()
          Returns the normal of the intersection point.
 TexCoord3f getPointTextureCoordinate(int index)
          Returns the texture coordinate of the intersection point at the specifed index in the specified texture coordinate set.
 int[] getPrimitiveColorIndices()
          Get the color indices for the intersected primitive.
 Color4f[] getPrimitiveColors()
          Get the colors of the intersected primitive.
 int[] getPrimitiveCoordinateIndices()
          Get the coordinates indices for the intersected primitive.
 Point3d[] getPrimitiveCoordinates()
          Get the local coordinates intersected primitive
 Point3d[] getPrimitiveCoordinatesVW()
          Get VWorld coordinates of the intersected primitive
 int[] getPrimitiveNormalIndices()
          Get the normal indices for the intersected primitive.
 Vector3f[] getPrimitiveNormals()
          Get the normals of the intersected primitive.
 int[] getPrimitiveTexCoordIndices(int index)
          Get the texture coordinate indices for the intersected primitive at the specifed index in the specified texture coordinate set.
 TexCoord3f[] getPrimitiveTexCoords(int index)
          Get the texture coordinates of the intersected primitive at the specifed index in the specified texture coordinate set.
 int[] getPrimitiveVertexIndices()
          Get vertex indices of the intersected primitive
 java.lang.String toString()
          String representation of this object
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public java.lang.String toString()
String representation of this object
toString in class java.lang.Object


public Point3d getPointCoordinatesVW()
Returns the coordinates of the intersection point (world coordinates), if available.
coordinates of the point


public double getDistance()
Get the distance from the PickShape start point to the intersection point
the distance to the intersection point, if available.


public Point3d[] getPrimitiveCoordinatesVW()
Get VWorld coordinates of the intersected primitive
an array of Point3d's for the primitive that was picked


public int[] getPrimitiveVertexIndices()
Get vertex indices of the intersected primitive
an array which contains the list of indices


public int getGeometryArrayIndex()
Returns the index of the intersected GeometryArray into the geometry arrays in the PickResult


public GeometryArray getGeometryArray()
Returns the GeometryArray for the intersection


public boolean geometryIsIndexed()
Returns true if the geometry is indexed


public Point3d getClosestVertexCoordinates()
Get coordinates of closest vertex (local)
the coordinates of the vertex closest to the intersection point


public Point3d getClosestVertexCoordinatesVW()
Get coordinates of closest vertex (world)
the coordinates of the vertex closest to the intersection point


public int getClosestVertexIndex()
Get index of closest vertex
the index of the closest vertex


public int[] getPrimitiveCoordinateIndices()
Get the coordinates indices for the intersected primitive. For a non-indexed primitive, this will be the same as the primitive vertex indices
an array indices


public Point3d[] getPrimitiveCoordinates()
Get the local coordinates intersected primitive
an array of Point3d's for the primitive that was intersected


public int[] getPrimitiveNormalIndices()
Get the normal indices for the intersected primitive. For a non-indexed primitive, this will be the same as the primitive vertex indices If the geometry array does not contain normals this will return null
an array indices


public Vector3f[] getPrimitiveNormals()
Get the normals of the intersected primitive. This will return null if the primitive does not contain normals.
an array of Point3d's for the primitive that was intersected


public int[] getPrimitiveColorIndices()
Get the color indices for the intersected primitive. For a non-indexed primitive, this will be the same as the primitive vertex indices If the geometry array does not contain colors this will return null.
an array indices


public Color4f[] getPrimitiveColors()
Get the colors of the intersected primitive. This will return null if the primitive does not contain colors. If the geometry was defined using GeometryArray.COLOR_3, the 'w' value of the color will be set to 1.0.
an array of Point3d's for the primitive that was intersected


public int[] getPrimitiveTexCoordIndices(int index)
Get the texture coordinate indices for the intersected primitive at the specifed index in the specified texture coordinate set. For a non-indexed primitive, this will be the same as the primitive vertex indices If the geometry array does not contain texture coordinates, this will return null.
an array indices


public TexCoord3f[] getPrimitiveTexCoords(int index)
Get the texture coordinates of the intersected primitive at the specifed index in the specified texture coordinate set. null if the primitive does not contain texture coordinates. If the geometry was defined using GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_2, the 'z' value of the texture coordinate will be set to 0.0.
an array of TexCoord3f's for the primitive that was intersected


public Point3d getPointCoordinates()
Returns the coordinates of the intersection point (local coordinates), if available.
coordinates of the intersection point


public Vector3f getPointNormal()
Returns the normal of the intersection point. Returns null if the geometry does not contain normals.
normal at the intersection point.


public Color4f getPointColor()
Returns the color of the intersection point. Returns null if the geometry does not contain colors. If the geometry was defined with GeometryArray.COLOR_3, the 'w' component of the color will initialized to 1.0
color at the intersection point.


public TexCoord3f getPointTextureCoordinate(int index)
Returns the texture coordinate of the intersection point at the specifed index in the specified texture coordinate set. Returns null if the geometry does not contain texture coordinates. If the geometry was defined with GeometryArray.TEXTURE_COORDINATE_3, the 'z' component of the texture coordinate will initialized to 0.0
texture coordinate at the intersection point.