Community Place Restrictions
version 2 Beta 2
Please do not use the current version of the Community Place browser
to connect to Circus Park. We have identified several problems with
this combination:
- You may fail to connect to the server.
- Even if you succeed in connecting, you cannot see other people's avators.
CircusPark based on VRML2.0 will be available on 15 July.
New features
The following features are supported.
- Manual pages in Japanese.
- multi-user function based on VRML2.0.
- Java multiple-class loader.
- Java Security Manager.
- interpolators.
- Transform's scale and center fields.
- IndexedLineSet.
- Transparent GIF.
version 2 Beta 1a
- This version is based on VRML2.0 Draft #2 (dated 5/30).
- The "headlight" is turned on by default.
You may select "headlight" from the View menu to turn off.
version 2 Beta 1
New Features
- Community Place may not properly install and operate under NEC PC-98 series.
- Community Place may not properly operate under Windows NT 3.5.
Please upgrade to Windows NT 3.51. However, even under NT 3.51,
you may experience erratic sound performance;
DirectX support is expected for NT 4.0 when that version of
the Microsoft OS is released.
- Discontinuous Sound may occur when you use a lower speed CPU.
- On opening a file, Community Place keeps waiting for reply when:
- a network error occurs
- you type a non-existent URL
If this occurs, please terminate the program by selecting the Exit option from the File
pulldown menu.
- Mis-navigation may occur when you switch camera viewpoints using a script.
Unsupported function:
- Scale Node in Transform
- Inlined Texture
- File Open for shortcut
The following operations may cause a fatal error:
- Cancel while loading a file.
version 1 Beta 4
New Features
The following new features have been added.
- Sprites are supported.
- Two-sided (double faced) polygons are supported.
- MOD sound format is supported (Windows 95 only).
- DirectSound is supported, allowing short delayed sound effects,
mixing multiple channels of sound sources (Windows 95 only).
- Navigation is enabled while loading world file.
- A file loading progress indicator has been added.
- Avator is moved smoothly
when the Home button is pressed or a bookmark selected.
- Avator is moved smoothly when user selects Jump.
- You can save and clear the chat log in the Chat window.
- User Nicknames are color highlighted in the Chat window.
- You can change your avator's color (only available in Circus Park world).
- Avatar Action animation options have been added (only available in Circus Park world).
- Downloading LHA files is supported.
- Snapshot has been added to the bookmark menu.
- newDistance and farDistance is supported.
- creaseAngle is supported (limited).
version 1 Beta 3
New Features
The following features have been added.
- Multi-user function is supported.
- 2 hours usage limit has been removed.
- Camera switch is supported.
Fixed bugs
The following bugs are fixed.
- For Light Nodes, you can specify color parameter only when
intensity is 1.
version 1 Beta 2
New Features
The following features have been added.
- You can edit bookmarks from the "View..View Bookmark" menu item.
- Error messages (e.g. syntax error) are displayed in a single window.
- "vsGetEventObj()" is added to Tcl API.
Fixed bugs
The following bugs are fixed.
- Drag&Drop to the browser icon is now supported.
- Tk error is no longer displayed when the browser exits.
- Tk error window is now displayed.
- The browser now works on a machine which already has tcl/tk.
- Tk's exec command is secure.
- Home and Bookmark commands work.
- A strange cylinder is no longer displayed when you select bookmark.
- The browser does releases sound devices when sounds stop.
- The files which are generated by gzip are now removed.
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All contents Copyright (c) 1995,1996 Sony Corporation.
Reproduction for personal use is permitted.
All other uses are prohibited without the formal authorization of Sony Corporation.
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