Day 007 - 06 Jul 94 - Page 04
1 Mr. Langert left as he moved to McDonald's environmental
Q. So you stepped into his shoes?
3 A. That I did -- he has larger feet than I do though!
4 Q. Had you worked with him then at Perseco?
A. I did. I worked with Bob. I think Bob came to
5 Perseco about a year after I did, maybe a little less, in
1988. I worked directly for him from 1989 through mid
6 1990. Then I took -- accepted a position as environmental
affairs manager at Perseco Europe, our then newly opened
7 company here, actually in Holland. I was there for a year
and worked for about another six months prior to his move
8 to McDonald's.
9 Q. McDonald's, as we have heard in this court, now extends
its operations to 70 countries in the world?
10 A. Yes.
11 Q. Each of those countries naturally uses packaging of some
12 A. It does.
13 Q. Does your responsibility extend worldwide?
A. My responsibility is specific to the United States
14 domestic packaging. We have operating units in Europe, in
Asia, Pacific, and for representation to Latin America
15 with offices in the US, but those are separate wholly
operating units of themselves, profits to themselves,
16 costs, interest to themselves, so I have no responsibility
in those areas.
Q. For example, Perseco Europe you worked for for a time runs
18 its own operation vis-a-vis McDonald's?
A. It does.
Q. In Europe?
20 A. Yes.
21 Q. I want to ask you a little bit about your perception of
McDonald's policies -- you, as a Perseco man, McDonald's
22 policies and attitudes in relation to the use and disposal
of raw materials and waste?
23 A. Yes.
24 Q. First of all this, does McDonald's present you with
policies which you are supposed to carry out?
25 A. Yes, they do. They have an environmental policy
over-riding guiding principles. Then we have guidelines
26 to our specifications that they have given us directions
to in general to minimise packaging, to emphasise source
27 reduction of packaging, to evaluate re-usable packaging,
to include recyclable content wherever we have the
28 opportunity, to decrease the environmental impacts of
manufacturing processes when we have an opportunity. The
29 list goes on.
30 Q. Is this an evolving process?
A. Yes, certainly. It involves the state of