Day 015 - 21 Jul 94 - Page 12

     1        a corporate healthy eating policy.  Various points in that
              are included in the little fact book from McDonald's and
     2        again that is already before the court, as I understand
              it; certainly it was in the bundle that I submitted.
              The most important part of that is the emphasis there is
     4        on the reformulation of existing products in McDonald's in
              order to move them in the direction indicated by the
     5        dietary recommendations and by the target to reduce
              saturated fat in particular.  Again you probably will be
     6        aware that already a number of changes have been made to
              the composition of McDonald's products.
         Q.   Since you have been?
     8        A.  Some have been introduced before I was there, but
              since I have been there, there have been several more
     9        introduced.  Perhaps if I can go on to explain that, in my
              view, if this country is to be successful in achieving the
    10        dietary targets, there are really two ways in which
              individuals can do this.  They can either make wholesale
    11        changes in their diet by reducing the amount of certain
              products which are high in fat and high in sodium, for
    12        example, and they can increase the amount of other foods
              in their diet.
              Now, the reality is that while I may be content with the
    14        need to change -- perhaps you are as well -- but the vast
              majority of the population are really quite unwilling to
    15        do that, so the major strategy for achieving a change with
              them, I think, is to change the composition of the
    16        products they are already eating.  But if you do that,
              then it is very important that these products remain tasty
    17        and acceptable to them, because if the taste changes to
              such an extent they do not like them then they will not
    18        eat them.
    19        This is exactly what McDonald's are doing at the present
              time.  Many of the changes, in fact, I would say virtually
    20        all of the changes which have been introduced have been
              done without any awareness on the part of the customers.
         Q.   McDonald's food still does not come within the dietary
    22        recommendations, does it?
              A.  Yes, but there is no reason why that should be the
    23        case.
    24   Q.   Yes, but the answer is yes?
              A.  The answer is yes, but can I go on and explain, at the
    25        risk of boring everybody else, that there is absolutely no
              reason why every food everybody eats should come within 
    26        the composition recommended by the dietary guidelines. 
              Those dietary recommendations apply to diet; they do not 
    27        apply to individual foods.
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I think it would be just as well if you said
              what diet means to you, the word "diet"?
    29        A.  Right, well .....
    30   Q.   I can look it up in the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary,
              but what does it mean to you?

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