Day 030 - 03 Oct 94 - Page 18
1 statement, that is not my opinion. That is an opinion
2 which, of course, I have written which is based on the
3 documents on which I am relying, and what I say here is
4 this judgment is based on strong scientific evidence of
5 all types, epidemiological, experimental, biological; some
6 individual scientists have doubts or disagree.
8 Q. Of the authoritative scientific bodies that you refer to,
9 is this most, all, or some of the scientific bodies?
10 A. Are you asking a question about cardiovascular
11 disease, a particular disease, cancer? Can you be more
12 specific?
14 Q. As a general statement, on the points you have made, does
15 that represent the majority of authoritative scientific
16 opinion?
18 MR. JUSTICE BELL: The most important words in relation to this
19 case, if I can just extract them (the first three lines
20 obviously), and then: "It is generally accepted by
21 authoritative scientific bodies that a diet high in fatty
22 meat, dairy products, fat, saturated fat, sugar and/or
23 salt, and correspondingly low in vegetables, fruit,
24 starchy foods, and fibre, such as that typically eaten in
25 the UK, is an important cause of disorders and diseases
26 that are", and then jumping on "deadly (stroke, heart
27 attacks, and various cancers including those of the breast
28 and colon)."
29 A. Let me answer your question in two other ways then,
30 given that guidance. First of all, this is a quotation by
31 Professor Sir Richard Doll in 1982, and I think the
32 statement is much the same as the statement that I have
33 made as a generality. Doll said in 1982: "Whether the
34 object is to avoid cancer, coronary heart disease,
35 hypertension, diabetes, diverticular disease, duodenal
36 ulcer, or constipation, there is broad agreement among
37 research workers that the type of diet that is least
38 likely to cause disease is one that provides a high
39 proportion of calories in whole grain cereals, vegetables
40 and fruit; provides most of its animal protein in fish and
41 poultry; limits the intake of fats and, if oils are to be
42 used, gives preference to liquid vegetable oils; includes
43 very few dairy products, eggs, and little refined sugar."
44 An alternative answer would be to refer you to page 195 of
45 my book, which is a table, which is in tabular form.
47 Q. Hold on a minute.
49 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Were you reading from your book when you
50 gave that last quote?
51 A. Yes.
53 Q. Which page was that?
54 A. That is page 203. It is the last paragraph in the
55 book, my Lord.
57 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes. Point out what the table means in this
58 respect, Mr. Cannon.
59 A. What this table demonstrates is the established
60 consensus on food nutrition and public health throughout