Day 030 - 03 Oct 94 - Page 19
1 the world. The references to the report themselves are
2 later on in the back of the book, but, as I say, these are
3 reports commissioned either by authoritative medical and
4 scientific bodies or by governments, not only in western
5 countries but elsewhere by now. Usually, being
6 scientifically and medically orientated, the reports have
7 tended to be concerned with nutrients as distinct from
8 food. In the last ten or 15 years that tendency has been
9 less noticeable.
11 I mention that because if you look at the top half of the
12 table, you will see that of the hundred reports, for
13 example, 81 recommend that everyone will do well to
14 consume less saturated fats and 85 less total fats; within
15 the case of saturated fats, no reports disagreeing; in the
16 case of total fats, one report disagreeing. That, in
17 effect, is illustrating what is meant by consensus. There
18 is not 100 per cent agreement; there is consensual
19 agreement, which is as good as you will get in the
20 biological sciences.
22 If you look at the bottom half of the table, given the
23 explanation I have just mentioned, that a number of these
24 reports make no reference to foods as distinct from
25 nutrients at all, although most published in the 1980s and
26 1990s do. You will see there what the reports have to say
27 about food as distinct from nutrients. For example, 66
28 recommend that in order to reduce your risk of western
29 diseases, like coronary heart disease, like breast and
30 colon cancer, you will do well to consume more vegetables;
31 71 vegetables and 66 fruit, with no disagreements. Fatty
32 meat and meat products, 48 reports specify fatty meat and
33 meat products, and say everyone will do well to consume
34 less of them with one disagreement, and so forth.
36 Let me say again, it is not claimed that every single time
37 an expert report of any nature has been commissioned by
38 any reputable body they have come to the same conclusion.
39 Of course not. This is a consensual agreement, which, as
40 I say, is as good as you can get.
42 Secondly, of course, it was not claimed that even in the
43 case, for example, of sugar and tooth decay (which I think
44 is not directly to do with this case) every single
45 qualified scientist or researcher takes the same view.
46 There will always be some disagreement.
48 Q. Would you just explain what the high risk column
49 represents on that graph, on that chart?
50 A. Yes. There was a tendency among earlier reports (and
51 occasionally this comes up in reports now) to limit
52 dietary recommendations to people who are defined as high
53 risk; for example, someone who is clinically defined as
54 obese or someone clinically defined as being at high risk
55 of coronary heart disease; those suffering from angina
56 have very high blood cholesterol, and so forth.
58 But, as you can see, the great majority of reports issue
59 recommendations on a population basis. The inference from
60 that is that everyone in relevant countries such as this