Day 045 - 03 Nov 94 - Page 16
1 A. Yes. In general, she was, I think, encouraging
2 children to have breakfast.
4 Q. At McDonald's?
5 A. No, she was not encouraging them to have breakfast at
6 McDonald's every day. That is not the intent of this, nor
7 was it the intent of the advertising.
9 Q. "And she lets her friends know that McDonald's serves a
10 good one"?
11 A. Yes.
13 Q. The sentence I read earlier: "Especially because morning
14 means breakfast at McDonald's"?
15 A. Certainly, morning means you can have breakfast at
16 McDonald's, yes. When we introduced breakfast -- as
17 I said, the characters have changed over the years.
19 MR. MORRIS: Can I just say, for clarification, that tab 7 is
20 the code which I think is 1987 to 1990, so far as the
21 Plaintiffs have disclosed. Therefore, up to 1990, that one
22 would be relevant. It is the same, as far as I can see, on
23 page 101; Birdie is exactly the same.
25 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Are all the ones the same because, if they
26 are not, we should be concentrating on 7 rather than 6,
27 should we not? Are there any differences in any of the
28 things which have been put?
30 MS. STEEL: Not on the ones that have been put so far. I think
31 there may be some others.
33 MR. RAMPTON: My Lord, perhaps the best thing is if we ask the
34 witness whether the 1987 version takes us all the way up to
35 1990. He probably knows the answer.
37 MR. JUSTICE BELL: I have certainly rather assumed that it did,
38 because the next code is 1990. So I have assumed that the
39 1987 one ran until then.
41 MR. RAMPTON: Yes, I know. But Mr. Green probably knows.
43 THE WITNESS: Yes. I believe that, in fact, it did run during
44 that time period. There may have been some procedural
45 changes that were not incorporated in the full body of the
46 code but, in whole, I believe it would be accurate, at
47 least close to 1990.
49 MS. STEEL: If it is of any help, on tab 7, the thing about
50 "tugging at your emotions" is on page 88 of the bundle. I
51 cannot remember all of the ones I brought up, but I did
52 mark some.
54 The "Ronald" starts on page 93. Again, it says that he is
55 "a corporate spokesman", that kids as well other
56 characters look up to him. "Ronald is real. He lives in
57 both McDonaldland and the real world."
59 Page 94 says: