Day 071 - 11 Jan 95 - Page 09

     1   Q.   So you turn right and go down Royal Avenue?
     2        A.  Yes.
     4   Q.   Then would you go along St. Leonard's Terrace or not?
     5        A.  Yes, they would come round the bottom there and come up
     6        Smith Street and they would complete Wellington Square.
     8   Q.   All around Wellington Square, would he go?
     9        A.  Yes, right round; it is quite a small Square.
    11   Q.   And then back to the restaurant?
    12        A.  Yes.
    14   Q.   Do you also do that section of the Kings Road pavement
    15        which runs between Smith Street and Royal Avenue?
    16        A.  Yes, we do.  And also, twice a day in the morning we
    17        have a morning cleaner.  He would cover a wider area.  They
    18        would include Cheltenham Avenue -----
    20   Q.   Before we come to the twice a day job, can I ask you how
    21        often what one might call the ordinary or regular trash
    22        walk is done during the course of the day?
    23        A.  The lobby house(?) are responsible for completing it a
    24        minimum of half hourly.
    26   Q.   On that walk, what environment/index.html">litter, what kind of environment/index.html">litter, does the
    27        person responsible pick up?
    28        A.  It would be any environment/index.html">litter.  They do not discriminate
    29        between McDonald's and any other packaging.  It would
    30        generally be from other food outlets and from take-away
    31        sandwiches -----
    33   Q.   Is there, for example, a Haagen Dazs ice cream place near
    34        you?
    35        A.  Haagen Dazs, yes.
    37   Q.   Are there any other fast-food outlets?
    38        A.  There is a Safeways and a Marks & Spencer who do
    39        take-away food.
    41   Q.   What, sandwiches, that kind of thing?
    42        A.  Yes, and there is also a handful of cafes and
    43        restaurants that do take-away food along the Kings Road.
    45   Q.   He or she -- is it done equally by men and women, this
    46        trash walk?
    47        A.  Yes.
    49   Q.   How often during the day -- did you tell us that?
    50        A.  Half hourly. 
    52   Q.   With what equipment is the trash walker, if I can call them 
    53        that, armed when they do this round?
    54        A.  Originally, they would just use the bin liner and what
    55        we call a "environment/index.html">litter picker" which is -----
    57   Q.   Sort of tongs with a long rod that enables them to open and
    58        close?
    59        A.  That is right, so they do not have to use their hands.
    60        Last summer we decided to purchase what we call a "dust

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