Day 074 - 16 Jan 95 - Page 13

     1   Q.   Did you during the course of that application at a hearing
     2        before the Council, or maybe it is a Planning Committee,
     3        state that regular trash walks were carried out in the
     4        area?
     5        A.  Yes, sir, I did.
     7   Q.   When you made that statement, was it true or false?
     8        A.  It was true, sir.
    10   Q.   Was there ever a time when the trash walks conked out,
    11        stopped, for any appreciable length of time?
    12        A.  Not -- there was not because trash walk always take the
    13        top priority.
    15   Q.   Do you remember whether you ever spoke to a gentleman
    16        called Colin McIntyre?
    17        A.  I do not remember the name, but I know that there was
    18        one tall fellow, he came in, and he spoke to me.  I do not
    19        know whether his name is Mr. McIntyre or not.
    21   Q.   Roughly, sorry ----
    22        A.  Because I remember that I spoke to, I remember
    23        Dr. Taylor very well because we had a good rapport;
    24        I remember Miss Linda Wells; there was once, there was a
    25        lady, she came in and those are the four people I really
    26        remember as such.
    28   Q.   I was going to ask you, roughly speaking, during your time
    29        as manager of the Kings Road restaurant, how many
    30        complaints, whether by telephone or in person or in
    31        writing, did you receive about environment/index.html">litter?
    32        A.  I think three, four a year.
    34   Q.   Were those all from local residents, do you think?
    35        A.  Yes, they were.
    37   Q.   Can you tell me about this:  When in your time was the last
    38        environment/index.html">litter patrol or trash walk made during the course of a
    39        day's business?
    40        A.  We used to do it at midnight, because 11.00 and 12.00,
    41        because it was take-away, we used to do it at just midnight
    42        after we have closed the restaurant.  But, after that
    43        meeting with the Council we started doing the trash walk in
    44        between 11.00 and 12.00.
    46   Q.   Did you have any problems with members of your staff
    47        expected to do the trash walks saying:  "Well, I do not
    48        like doing it at night because I am a bit scared in case
    49        I am mugged"?
    50        A.  No, I did not because I had employees who were grown 
    51        up.  They had, like, I remember one man, he must be in his 
    52        40s; there were a couple of other older guys and they never 
    53        used to -- there was no problem as such.
    55   Q.   Were these trash walks always done by a single person or
    56        not?
    57        A.  Not necessarily.
    59   Q.   Sometimes it would be more than one person, would it?
    60        A.  Yes, there would, because in the evening, especially at

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