Day 101 - 10 Mar 95 - Page 15
1 A. On a McDonald's store, yes.
3 Q. To check product quality. How long has that been happening
4 or when was that introduced?
5 A. It was in place before or when I joined, so it was
6 going since at least 1989.
8 MS. STEEL: While you have that file open, if you turn to tab 5,
9 please?
10 A. Yes.
12 Q. Can you just explain what these forms represent? Are they
13 a weekly summary?
14 A. These are, yes, a weekly summary sheet.
16 Q. Are these the ones that are supplied to you as your weekly
17 summary?
18 A. Yes.
20 MR. JUSTICE BELL: As I understand it, looking at the
21 specification, there are some things which you are sent as
22 a matter of course, or should be, by McKey's? There are
23 other things which you can go to McKey's and look at, if
24 you wish?
25 A. Yes, that is right.
27 Q. What is sent to you are summaries, and these are examples
28 of summaries which are sent to you; these are not ones you
29 go along and ask for, these are the documents which are
30 sent as a matter of course?
31 A. Exactly. We ask them at the end of the week to sit
32 down and go through the daily sheets that they have, and
33 these would be far too numerous for us to send in and
34 review. We ask them to go through it and compile a summary
35 sheet, exactly that of that week, so even if we do not
36 visit the facility in the week, we have a good picture of
37 what is going on there.
39 MS. STEEL: So there is one summary sheet for each type of
40 product for each week; is that right? I am just looking at
41 the headings.
42 A. Yes, there is a summary sheet for each product, yes.
44 Q. This is it, you do not get anything beyond that?
45 A. No, not unless we ask for something specific.
47 Q. How long do you keep these records for?
48 A. I would say at least three years.
50 Q. Three years?
51 A. I think we keep them for three years. Yes, I would say
52 three years.
54 Q. You said you had never seen a microbiological sheet that
55 had given you a shiver. What kind of thing would you be
56 looking for to give you a shiver?
57 A. That was your terminology -- not mine.
59 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It was not actually; it was the way
60 Mr. Rampton put the question and you just said "no" with a