Day 101 - 10 Mar 95 - Page 43

     1        process?
     2        A.  Well, I mean, you are escorted the whole time you are
     3        there, so the discussion is continuous.
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Can you separate the two?
     6        A.  It is difficult.  There is a wrap-up session at the
     7        end.  Obviously Sun Valley are keen to know what my views
     8        on the things I have seen are, if they have to make any
     9        actions after the visit, so there is always a wrap-up
    10        session at the end, but the discussion is continuous.
    12   MR. MORRIS:  How many buildings are that you would visit when
    13        you visit Sun Valley?
    14        A.  Currently they are not doing any further processing
    15        there, so you would visit or I visited on my last visit,
    16        I would have seen the killing process, or -- sorry, first
    17        off the birds coming to the factory, the birds.
    19   Q.   The hatcheries are not there then?
    20        A.  OK.  If you want to go back to agricultural ----
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let him do it in his own order.
    24   MR. MORRIS:  What you saw when you left?
    25        A.  The last time I went down I went to the hatchery.
    26        I went to the feed mill.  I went to a growing farm.  I saw
    27        the arrival of the birds at the primary processing plant.
    28        I saw the birds being hung.  I saw the birds being stunned,
    29        killed, all the way along through the chain of
    30        evisceration, defeathering, evisceration on to the deboning
    31        line until the deboned meat was put into the chiller.
    32        Normally if Sun Valley were doing the processing further
    33        I would carry on to watch the production of the Nuggets or
    34        the chicken sandwich, but that is not possible at the
    35        moment.
    37   Q.   So when that was going, that facility, you would have been
    38        looking at something like nine or 10 different stages of
    39        the procedure; you would see the whole procedure one way or
    40        the other?
    41        A.  If you did the whole lot, yes.  Sometimes I might go
    42        down there and not bother to visit the feed mill or the
    43        hatchery.
    45   Q.   So really once every six months you would get a taste or an
    46        example of each part of the process?
    47        A.  Yes.  Personally I only visit Sun Valley a couple of
    48        times a year.  Other people visit it a lot more frequently
    49        than I do, but personally I only visit a couple of times a
    50        year and that is what I do when I go there. 
    52   Q.   When you visited Midland Meat Packers did you see the whole 
    53        process there?
    54        A.  Well, you see the process from basically the holding
    55        pens for the cattle through to the stunning and the
    56        slaughter process and right the way on to the deboning
    57        again, yes, to the deboning meat.
    59   Q.   What comes off transport, do you see them being unloaded
    60        and that kind of thing?

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