Day 148 - 05 Jul 95 - Page 17

     1        appropriate circumstances, I think most lawyers still
     2        approach the matter on the basis that, subject to there
     3        being very good reasons, if you want to, if part of a
     4        document goes in, generally speaking, the whole should.
     6   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I have taken the strict approach in this
     7        case all throughout (because I think there are very good
     8        reasons to do so and I have always thought so).  So I
     9        fortunately find that what I did, which is what I believed
    10        was right from the beginning, has been validated by the
    11        Court of Appeal, and I would, in general, continue to apply
    12        the principle laid down by the Court of Appeal, wherever it
    13        is necessary to do so.
    15   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You are going to think about it and look at
    16        it and think about it.
    18   MR. RAMPTON:  I do not know whether Ms. Steel has finished her
    19        list on this particular bit.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Were there any points you particularly wanted
    22        to make?
    24   MS. STEEL:  Under Crew Scheduling Procedures, that is in the
    25        Paper Work section, there is only one page of the Paper
    26        Work section.
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Which page is that?
    30   MS. STEEL:  That is bundle page 148, page 605 of the manual.
    31        I do not know whether that is all there is.  Then in the
    32        Sales and Marketing section we have pages 653, which is
    33        bundle page 149; we have page 653 to 656.  Then there is a
    34        gap.  We then have pages 659 to 661 and I do not know
    35        whether that is the end of it either.  I think that is all
    36        on that.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will take the five-minute break there.
    40                       (Short Adjournment)
    42   MS. STEEL:  The next thing is the personnel manual which I think
    43        has been actually referred to by a number of witnesses, but
    44        it is specifically referred to by Lyn Mead on 13th June
    45        this year, day 134.  It is on page 25.  Starting at line
    46        20, Ms. Mead was asked:  "What is the Personnel Manual?"
    47        She said:  "Its full title is something like Personnel
    48        Procedures Manual... and that is broadly what it is".
    49         "Every store has one of those?" "Yes".  "What is the
    50        purpose of that manual?"  "It gives samples of many of the 
    51        forms that are displayed, it gives details of guidelines 
    52        about disciplinary action, things like how to hold a rap 
    53        session."
    55        Then she was asked:  "Staffing levels?"  She said:  "Yes,
    56        things about recruitment ... and things like that.  There
    57        are probably other things in it as well."   Then she was
    58        asked:  "... it is generally a guide on how to treat
    59        personnel, how to deal with them, how to organise them?"
    60        She said:  "When you say 'how to treat personnel?'"  That

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