Day 150 - 07 Jul 95 - Page 10

     1        A.  That is right.  That is my -----
     3   Q.   Which stores were you responsible for?
     4        A.  That is when I went down to Colchester and Clacton.
     6   Q.   That I will come back to because that will be an important
     7        part of your evidence.  If you will forgive me, I will just
     8        move on and complete your life, as it were.  August 1987,
     9        what were you doing then?
    10        A.  In August 1987, I was promoted to the then position of
    11        Senior Supervisor, which meant I had responsibility for
    12        South Wales and the West Country which in that case
    13        was Avon in Somerset in terms of the restaurants that we
    14        had in those counties.
    16   Q.   Was that referred to, rather like the Midlands refers to a
    17        wider area, as Wales?
    18        A.  Wales and the West I think we called it.
    20   Q.   Again what did that job involve for you personally?
    21        A.  Once again, it was field based in terms of I was
    22        working in the restaurants.  I think I had probably a dozen
    23        or so, maybe 15, restaurants in that particular area.
    24        Although I had three or four Supervisors working with me,
    25        once again it just meant me visiting with restaurants with
    26        Supervisors and Restaurant Managers, so I was once again
    27        still based in the restaurants rather than in any sort of
    28        office job.
    30   Q.   So you were able to interact with the crew, nonetheless,
    31        despite your promotion?
    32        A.  Oh, absolutely.
    34   Q.   Then February 1990, where did that find you in terms of a
    35        position?
    36        A.  In 1990 I was promoted to Operations Manager which
    37        really expanded my area, geographical area, of
    38        responsibility to take up the West Midlands as well as
    39        Wales and the West.
    41   Q.   Was there any change in the nature of what you were doing
    42        beyond having the West Midlands added to your -----
    43        A.  No, essentially, the job was the same, was that I was
    44        still -- I still needed to visit restaurants, although in
    45        this case I probably had, I think, two Senior Supervisors
    46        and they probably had three or four Supervisors themselves,
    47        but I still myself was field based in the restaurants or
    48        responsible for restaurant operations.
    50   Q.   So can I ask you -- I may know the answer but it is for me 
    51        to ask you -- did you ever feel that you were losing touch 
    52        with what was going on on the ground as you went up the 
    53        tree?
    54        A.  No, I thought, if anything, it brings you more in touch
    55        because you need to ask more questions, talk to staff, talk
    56        to managers, in order to stay abreast of everything because
    57        I was visiting the restaurants -- I may have done, as
    58        I mentioned earlier on about sort of break up of week, may
    59        be one day as an Operations Manager in the office, but
    60        those remaining four of that five-day week would be based

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