Day 150 - 07 Jul 95 - Page 11

     1        in the restaurants.  The restaurant would change, but the
     2        job itself would not, if you see what I mean.
     4   Q.   That was February 1990.  September 1992?
     5        A.  Was Market Manager.  I was promoted to Market Manager
     6        in that year and again my area, geographical area, expanded
     7        to taking really the sort of western half of the region,
     8        the Midlands region, that I explained right at the very
     9        beginning.
    11   Q.   Yes.  Can you just explain precisely -----
    12        A.  So I would take in the West Midlands and go down to
    13        areas such as Wiltshire, and take in the Southwest, Avon,
    14        Somerset, and across to Wales again.
    16   Q.   Finally, Mr. Stanton, February 1993?
    17        A.  In 1993 I became the Regional Manager and took overall
    18        responsibility for those areas that I mentioned right at
    19        the very beginning, from the Southeast to the Southwest.
    21   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That puts you where you are today?
    22        A.  Yes, sir, it does.
    24   MR. ATKINSON:  Do you ever feel that when you go round the
    25        stores that people are putting on their best performance
    26        for you and so -- you have answered this already -- you
    27        have said what you have said about keeping in touch -----
    28        A.  No, I think people want to show they are doing a good
    29        job and they are proud of their job, but I do not detect
    30        any sham being put on for my benefit.  I would like to
    31        think that I am intelligent enough to realise if the wool
    32        was being pulled over my eyes, and I cannot say that I have
    33        come across that.
    35   Q.   What is your, in broadest terms, general impression of the
    36        way the region is operating today?  Are you happy, unhappy?
    37        A.  I would like to say with a certain amount of humility
    38        that I think it is a very well run restaurant with very
    39        good people, not only within the Operations staff, but
    40        those working within the restaurants.
    42   Q.   Have you had any reason to change your views about
    43        McDonald's as you have worked your way up?
    44        A.  Not at all.
    46   Q.   If someone were to say to you, Mr. Stanton, that McDonald's
    47        was a sweat shop employer, what would you say to that?
    48        A.  I would have said then I would probably not be standing
    49        here today; I would have left probably two days after
    50        I joined in 1983.  As I mentioned, I only joined it to sort 
    51        of fill in a year.  I was contemplating either post 
    52        graduate work or teaching.  So, had that been fulfilled or 
    53        even in the early days, then I would like to have thought
    54        I could have taken my skills elsewhere.  That has not been
    55        the case and I am here now 12 or 13 years later.
    57   Q.   Do you see the crew as the poor infantry men who get sent
    58        over the top whilst the managers sit back and enjoy
    59        themselves?
    60        A.  No, I do not.  I see them as a very strong part of the

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