Day 152 - 11 Jul 95 - Page 11
1 you put any suggestion which you have as to what, for
2 instance, he either would not or might not be able to do in
3 every month or every week so I can see where your attack
4 is, because if you are just exploring about what the
5 situation is I really do not know what I am to concentrate
6 on.
8 MR. MORRIS: I understand that.
10 MR. JUSTICE BELL: If, at the end of the day, you are going to
11 say it is said that this would have been noticed if it had
12 happened and it was not, therefore it did not happen, that
13 is McDonald's case, let us suppose, and you want to
14 challenge that and say that one cannot draw that
15 conclusion, I would like you to put to Mr. Stanton (put it
16 to someone else, if you like) where you say that is wrong.
18 MR. MORRIS: If you can just say in the time that a Supervisor
19 spends in a store, say, once a week, something between half
20 a day and one day or something?
21 A. OK.
23 Q. What must they do? I mean, they do not necessarily have to
24 do it every time, but what do they have to do every time?
25 What do they have to do every time?
26 A. We would break it up very much the same way as an hour
27 on the administration side of it -- and I will explain that
28 in a minute -- an hour, perhaps, on the equipment and
29 general repair of the building, and then probably six hours
30 on the operational side of it. I would say, on the
31 operational side of it, they will always have to check to
32 make sure that our operating parameters are being observed,
33 whether that is cooking times, standards of quality with
34 respect to product shelf life, product rotation.
36 So those are the ones I would expect them to come in and
37 check every single time they came in the restaurant,
38 whatever their reasons, perhaps, for visiting the
39 restaurant. The maintenance ones again, while they are
40 checking the operating standards and parameters, they will
41 come across the equipment. So if, perhaps, there is a
42 reason for the parameters not being observed that may lead
43 down to some equipment issues.
45 The administrative side, once again that is up to their
46 discretion, but some of the things they might look at would
47 be the staffing, the hiring, the sort of ready for the
48 summer time business; they may look retrospectively at
49 previous sales histories when they were not in the
50 restaurant just to see how busy the restaurant was, the
51 numbers of staff they had on. They would check, I think,
52 the till operators that were on to make sure that
53 everything was above board.
55 Q. Operations is about the physical working of the store; it
56 is not personnel?
57 A. No.
59 Q. It is physical -----
60 A. I would say it is in terms of back door to front door