Day 155 - 14 Jul 95 - Page 17
1 leaving the premises.
3 Q. As long as they came back when supposed to. What if
4 somebody wanted to bring his own sandwiches in instead of
5 eating your stuff?
6 A. Not a problem.
8 Q. Did people do that?
9 A. A couple.
11 Q. What about the breaks themselves? Did everybody take a
12 break at the same time during a shift?
13 A. No, they were staggered in accordance to, first, the
14 earliest people that started would probably be the earliest
15 to leave to go on a break.
17 Q. First in, first off?
18 A. Yes, but I had an open policy where if the earliest
19 person did not want to go on a break, they were not hungry,
20 let someone else.
22 Q. Did you ever get people who said: "Well, look I do not want
23 a break until the end of the shift because I want to go off
24 early. I have got to go and see Arsenal play" or something
25 like that?
26 A. Yes, they used to take their food with them, yes.
28 Q. Did it sometimes happen that the restaurant was so busy
29 that breaks were actually abridged or abbreviated?
30 A. Very rarely again, but if it did happen I would allow
31 them to use the Manager's desk area for a bite to eat for,
32 say, five to 10 minutes, and then take a full break
33 whenever they could.
35 Q. Were breaks paid in those days, can you remember or not?
36 A. From what I recall, yes.
38 Q. Did there come a time, we think, although we are not sure
39 of the date, when the Company policy changed about that?
40 Do you remember that happening when you were a Manager or
41 not?
42 A. I do remember it happening, but I do not know when.
43 I cannot remember when it was.
45 Q. Do you remember the details of it?
46 A. No.
48 Q. What about cleaning the store and its surrounding area; is
49 that something that went on while you were Manager?
50 A. Every day.
52 Q. Were there environment/index.html">litter patrols?
53 A. Yes.
55 Q. How frequent were they?
56 A. Normally every 2/3 hours.
58 Q. How far would they get?
59 A. Seven Sisters, because it was on a corner, there was
60 actually a square all the way round the restaurant, so it