Day 155 - 14 Jul 95 - Page 20
1 hazardous?
2 A. No, I do not.
4 Q. How many times have you injured yourself in the course of
5 your McDonald's career?
6 A. Maybe two, three maximum.
8 Q. What sorts of things?
9 A. A couple of burns, cut.
11 Q. What sort of burns?
12 A. Where, for example, I am cleaning the grill with a hot
13 cloth and the cloth is very hot, I burned myself that way.
15 Q. What do you do then?
16 A. Run it under cold water.
18 Q. What sort of cuts have you had?
19 A. Just very minor cuts when I personally have repaired
20 pieces of equipment.
22 Q. No hospital jobs in all of this?
23 A. No.
25 Q. Do you remember an occasion, I do not know when it was,
26 when one of your employees, Mrs. Farrer, slipped on some
27 ice dropped by a customer and broke her wrist?
28 A. Yes, I do.
30 Q. Do you remember that?
31 A. Yes.
33 Q. What did you do?
34 A. We arranged for her to be taken in a taxi (which I paid
35 for) to the hospital. She was accompanied by a member of
36 staff and then, basically, while she was in the hospital,
37 we arranged just as a "get well soon", flowers and cards
38 etc. etc.
40 Q. Do you remember any other accidents during your time as
41 Manager at Seven Sisters requiring a member of staff to go
42 to hospital?
43 A. No, I do not.
45 Q. Now I want to ask you a little bit about training. Do you
46 regard the training of new staff members as an important
47 part of the managerial function?
48 A. It is very important.
50 Q. Is it right, as has been proposed in the leaflet, which is
51 the subject of this action, that in fact any old zombi can
52 go straight into McDonald's kitchen and start making
53 hamburgers for the customers?
54 A. No.
56 MS. STEEL: It does not actually say that in the leaflet.
58 MR. RAMPTON: Those are the not the exact words, that is fair to
59 say, but that is to summarise. It is not true?
60 A. No, it is not.