Day 156 - 17 Jul 95 - Page 16

     1        A.  No, she did not.
     3   Q.   You did not ask her who had said that?
     4        A.  No, I did not.
     6   Q.   What did she say then?  Did she say something like:  "Do
     7        you know anything about leaflets being left on a table?"
     8        A.  I honestly cannot remember.  It was two, three, years
     9        ago, whenever it was.
    11   Q.   Have you got your statement in front of you, please?
    12        A.  Yes.
    14   Q.   If you turn to page 3 of the second statement, did you have
    15        members of the crew that you got on particularly well with?
    16        A.  I got on well with probably about 90 per cent of them.
    18   Q.   You say about:  "Magee describes on page 3 how he attempted
    19        to recruit employees to join the Transport and General
    20        Workers Union.  He states that he approached some 30 to 40
    21        employees and that they were all interested in joining a
    22        union.  I do not find this credible.  I was the Manager yet
    23        I never heard anything about it at all".  So you expect
    24        that there would have been some member of the crew that
    25        would have told you about it?
    26        A.  I think with the relationship that I had with the crew
    27        where we did have an open door policy both ways, I think
    28        I would have heard something.
    30   Q.   Why do you say in paragraph 8 then:  "All employees have a
    31        right to join a union and if they do it is not a matter
    32        that would involve management or would necessarily even
    33        come to its attention".  That is a contradiction to what
    34        you have just said, is it not?
    35        A.  What I meant there is a union outside of work, nothing
    36        to do with McDonald's.  As I have stated previously, that
    37        I would not know what to do; I would seek advice from, you
    38        know, personnel in our offices.
    40   Q.   What do you mean by "a union outside work"?  You are
    41        talking about a trade union here which is something that
    42        people join because they are working in a particular place
    43        or because they are working.
    44        A.  Well, under the assumption that may be some people
    45        might have two jobs, what goes on outside of work has
    46        nothing to do with me.  I can only really speak from within
    47        the restaurant that I was working in.
    49   Q.   So if it was more than two or three crew members interested
    50        in joining a union, you would expect word of it to leak out 
    51        and you would then get to hear of it? 
    52        A.  I would not put a figure of two or three on it. 
    53        I would not say it would leak out.  I have never come
    54        across the situation, so I cannot speak for something that
    55        has never happened to me.  In that particular scenario, if
    56        that was the case that there were, as stated, I think he
    57        mentions 30 or 40 employees, I think I would have heard
    58        something.
    60   Q.   But you are just supposing that and if, for example, as

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