Day 162 - 25 Jul 95 - Page 05

     1   MR. MORRIS:  I understand that.  (To the witness)  Was the
     2        problem then at that time that you did not have enough
     3        Shift Running Managers, or whoever, to do all the
     4        paperwork?
     5        A.  That is not true.  I have seven Managers, and every one
     6        of them have got a duty to do, a responsibility, and they
     7        have been given a day to do it.  So if Michael Metcalfe do
     8        it in a different time, then that was his wish.
    10   Q.   Because he was a conscientious Manager, yes?
    11        A.  That is true.
    13   Q.   A very good Manager, yes?
    14        A.  Very good.
    16   Q.   And he worked hard when he was there?
    17        A.  Yes, he was.
    19   Q.   So, if he did a lot of extra hours, it would be because he
    20        had not been able to complete the work that needed to be
    21        done in the time that he had been scheduled for?
    22        A.  I cannot comment on that, because I -----
    24   Q.   You say in your statement that you watched the video
    25        One Every Mile.  This was point 19 of your statement.
    27        "I should only comment on parts of the film concerning the
    28        Strand and matters tht require an explanation.  Matters
    29        I do not comment on are matters which require no
    30        explanation, as they appeared to be a fair representation
    31        of what went on inside the restaurant."
    33        So, apart from things that you have said in the witness
    34        box, was the film a fair representation of life at the
    35        Strand?
    36        A.  Yes, it is.
    38   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  While Mr. Morris is thinking, there is a
    39        question I would like to ask about that.  Things could be
    40        pretty hectic at the Strand restaurant at times?
    41        A.  That is correct, sir.
    43   Q.   Were they pretty hectic all the time?
    44        A.  Most of the time.
    46   Q.   Most of the time.  The young people we saw being engaged
    47        and going through orientation and starting the first day's
    48        work, were they at the Strand or Croydon, can you remind
    49        me?
    50        A.  It was the Strand. 
    52   Q.   The Strand? 
    53        A.  Yes.
    55   Q.   So young people were started at the Strand?
    56        A.  Yes.
    58   Q.   Was there any system for starting them in a quieter
    59        restaurant, so that when they came to the Strand they
    60        already had some experience?

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