Day 162 - 25 Jul 95 - Page 16

     1   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Let us deal with those matters, Ms. Steel and
     2        Mr. Morris, and then you can add anything which you want
     3        to.
     5        I think you, Mr. Morris anyway, indicated yesterday that it
     6        was sensible to deal with outstanding interlocutory matters
     7        at the beginning of the term.  If you can indicate now
     8        which ones you will make that would be helpful, otherwise
     9        I think you ought to, within something like 14 days, write
    10        a letter to Barlows saying which ones you propose to make
    11        and giving an estimate of time.
    13   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, I think that it would be advisable if we did
    14        them first, all the ones that Mr. Rampton suggested that we
    15        wanted to do, which we do, and that is, I think, advisable
    16        to clear that up before we get on with the evidence,
    17        basically.
    19   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do you have in your mind which ones you
    20        actually are going to make at the beginning of next term
    21        and some idea of how long the argument will take?
    23   MR. MORRIS:  There is the pleadings.
    25   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  That is -----
    27   MR. MORRIS:  That is quite a substantial list of pleadings.
    28        I do not know how long the argument need take for,
    29        certainly for most of them.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  When you say the pleadings, you have
    32        Brazilian soya ---
    34   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, that is the -----
    36   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  -- you have residues.
    38   MR. MORRIS:  Yes.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What else have you got?
    42   MR. MORRIS:  The child labour violations and the food hygiene
    43        violations; sorry, I have not got my list in front of me,
    44        but Mr. Rampton seemed to sum it up pretty well.  I think
    45        the -- if I remember rightly, our list of one to five that
    46        was not, that was outstanding included something generally
    47        about international economics, how McDonald's are involved
    48        in that.
    50   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I do not remember that.  What I have written 
    51        down at the moment is Brazilian soya, residues, child and 
    52        food hygiene violations, strike out nutrition if you decide 
    53        to go ahead with that, and privileged documents.  I am
    54        going to put a mark against "strike out nutrition" because
    55        if you do some work on nutrition, whether or not I am
    56        prepared to hear an application to strike out, the work you
    57        do on it may help you to decide who (if anyone), apart from
    58        Professor Crawford, need come back to give evidence.
    59        I think we should get down to deciding that at the
    60        beginning of next term.  So I will put that on the list as

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