Day 185 - 07 Nov 95 - Page 12

     1        being applied for?
     2        A.  What she told me is that -- on Tuesday at a meeting
     3        I had asked for my card back, and she said, "Do not worry
     4        about it.  I will talk to you later.  I will call you
     5        tonight."  I said, "OK."  She never called me, so on the
     6        29th, on our school break, I went up to her and
     7        I said, "Listen, I want my card back", and she said, "You
     8        cannot have it; it has already been sent in."  So -----
    10   Q.   So you were aware that certification had been applied for?
    11        A.  All I knew was that it might have been applied for,
    12        because she said it had been sent in.  But she already lied
    13        to me once, so what would stop her from lying to me again?
    14        Even if it was, I figured it was worth a shot to try and do
    15        something to stop it, because I wanted my card back.  They
    16        did not get sent in till Monday, I believe.
    18   Q.   What did not?
    19        A.  The cards.  I do not believe -- they did not get sent
    20        in, I believe, until Friday or Monday, because our petition
    21        was only a day late, I believe.
    23   Q.   You knew that certification had been applied for, and it
    24        was at that point that you started to worry about losing
    25        your job or the store being closed, or the consequences?
    26        A.  When did I -- I am sorry, when did I learn?  I did not
    27        know for sure if she had sent the cards in.  That is why
    28        I started the -- like, that is why I talked to Michelle on
    29        Friday and Chris Broom called his dad.  I was not worried
    30        about my job.  They were not going to fire me for nothing.
    31        They never fire anybody for nothing.
    33   Q.   The certification was signed on 1st October.  You were
    34        aware -- you say that Sarah told you on the 29th that she
    35        had sent in the cards?
    36        A.  Right.  But I did not know if it was the truth or not.
    38   Q.   Right.
    39        A.  And that is -----
    41   Q.   So did you assume that she was lying and that you did not
    42        have anything to worry about because certification had not
    43        been applied for?
    44        A.  No.  I did not know.  Like, I did not know what was
    45        going on.  I did not know if it was true or not.  So
    46        I figured I would try and start a petition or something.
    47        I was not sure what I could do.  So I talked to Michelle
    48        and Chris, and Chris talked to his dad, and he said, "If it
    49        has not been applied for, start a petition, and we will try
    50        and get it in before the cards get sent in", and I said, 
    51        "Well, they have already been sent in.  Sarah told me they 
    52        were sent in on Wednesday", and he said, "Well, it is worth 
    53        a shot anyway."
    55        So we did one, even though -- I mean, the cards could have
    56        been there on Wednesday; we still did a petition just in
    57        case.  We were not absolutely sure when the cards went in.
    58        When I went in on Monday with Bonnie, I did not know if the
    59        cards had been sent in or not.  I was -- I did not know if,
    60        you know, we are in time or not.

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