Day 185 - 07 Nov 95 - Page 14
1 A. Right. I am just saying like, you know, there was
2 other things that -- they said that negotiation would come
3 in; and I did not know what would happen if a union came
4 in; I would not know what they would be doing.
6 Q. Who said negotiations would be coming in -- the union?
7 A. No. Chris Broom told me that we would have to
8 negotiate for everything.
10 Q. So this was what Chris Broom told you?
11 A. Yes. Chris told me that we would have to negotiate for
12 everything, because he had talked to his dad. He did not
13 say that a union could promise all of this. That is what
14 he said: "A union cannot promise you all of this."
16 Q. So what you were worried about is that there would be
17 negotiations?
18 A. No; just the not knowing what would happen, period.
20 Q. Do you know whether there actually was anything that they
21 did not inform you about?
22 A. They did not inform me about the negotiations; and,
23 I mean, now I know that they did not inform me there would
24 have to be contract to be made up; and I am still not sure
25 what else there is, or what comes out.
27 Q. Can I just ask you, in the Defence -- I do not know whether
28 that is quite the right term -- filed by Mr. Ballantyne
29 and, I believe, in the pleadings or whatever filed on
30 behalf of the intervenors, there is a comment that union
31 membership should be disregarded for many of the crew
32 because many of the applicants were under 18 when they
33 signed the cards?
34 A. What is the question? I am sorry.
36 Q. Do you remember that?
37 A. I was not there. I heard mention of it, that that is
38 what the parents wanted to do. They did not think we
39 should have the right to decide, because we were only
40 teenagers and we were not adults yet. I remember Bonnie
41 mentioning: "Well, I have made a career at McDonald's, so
42 what about me? You know, I am an adult. I have a right",
43 she goes, "to make a decision about this, and I am working
44 here full-time, and I will be working here for the rest of
45 my life. But these teenagers, once high school is over,
46 they leave for university and they never come back." But,
47 I mean, this is what I have heard. I was not in court when
48 they brought this up, or anything like that.
50 Q. When you heard about this, did you tell your solicitors and
51 tell Cam that you were insulted by this argument, that you
52 felt you were quite capable of making up your own mind?
53 A. Well, I said, you know, I can make up my own mind but
54 I did not, you know -- and, you know, I had made a mistake
55 because I had not found out all the facts. I just -- I had
56 trusted, you know -- like, I did not know everything and
57 I just signed my name to something and I should not have.
58 If I felt uncomfortable about it at the beginning, then
59 I should just have left it at that and never signed; and
60 I know that now, today.