Day 205 - 17 Jan 96 - Page 15

     1        remember that as, in fairness to you, you mostly have.
     3        If I have given you the impression that I am trying to shut
     4        you up when you want to say something, then I regret that.
     5        I certainly have not intended to do that.  There have been
     6        occasions when advocates on both sides, as, in my
     7        experience, happens virtually in every case, are
     8        remembering part of what has been said and not all of it.
     9        But that is really just got to be treated as water under
    10        the bridge.
    12        If there is anything more that you want to say on this, do
    13        so, but when you have said what you wanted to say, I will
    14        see if Mr. Rampton wants to say anything further at this
    15        stage.  But, I do not want you to be in any doubt that I do
    16        see the word "torture" as it appears in "McTorture" as
    17        something upon which the Plaintiffs rely in part, at the
    18        very least, for their argument that I am to infer utter
    19        indifference into the text of this leaflet.  I anticipate
    20         -- again I may be wrong -- at the moment that what the
    21        Plaintiffs will say is that what is defamatory of the
    22        Plaintiffs is the allegation of utter indifference to
    23        welfare of the animals which become McDonald's products and
    24        inhumanity for which it is alleged they say that they are
    25        responsible in the treatment of those animals, whether
    26        during rearing or slaughter.  Those are the defamatory
    27        statements.
    29   MR. MORRIS:   Right.
    31   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Which brings me back, they say that that
    32        cannot be justified on the facts in this case, particularly
    33        there are specific allegations in the leaflet like
    34        slaughtering while still conscious which cannot be
    35        justified, you say that if one looks at their inferential
    36        meanings and visualise the part of Duncan and Neil that I
    37        have quoted, since they are inferential meanings, you are
    38        allowed not just to point to evidence which might reflect
    39        on things which appear in the leaflet like slaughtering
    40        while conscious, but anything else which might be deemed to
    41        be an inhumane or indifferent practice which shows utter
    42        indifference -- we can forget the "utter" probably; it does
    43        not add anything to indifference.  Therefore, one has to
    44        look at the whole picture and I have to ask myself at the
    45        end of the day is an allegation of utter indifference, if
    46        that is what I get from the leaflet, substantially
    47        justified by the facts?
    49   MR. MORRIS:   I mean, it is not that we are making a meal of
    50        this; it is just that I think the last piece of paper that 
    51        Mr. Rampton referred us to was -- I cannot remember the 
    52        date -- day 186 which is pretty recent, some time at the 
    53        end of November, and it was page 49 of day 186.  I do not
    54        know what the date was -----
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What was the date again?
    58   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, it is 10th November last year.
    60   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What page?

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