Day 206 - 22 Jan 96 - Page 28

     1        through to 240 which appear to be the complete written
     2        testimony of Stan Stein.
     4   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  I had completely forgotten that and
     5        I had not read them through.
     7   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I only have this to say really about the
     8        proposed amendment:  so long as the whole thing is read, I
     9        have no objection in this sense that it takes one
    10        absolutely nowhere as a piece of evidence.  It is a mere
    11        recitation and refutation of certain allegations which
    12        proves nothing, of course, in the context of a plea of
    13        justification.  I do have two comments about the proposed
    14        amendment.  The first is that at the end of the paragraph
    15        No. 1 in the last sentence -----
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, let me find that.
    19   MR. RAMPTON:  Sorry, not the last sentence, the last sentence
    20        but one.
    22   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    24   MR. RAMPTON:  It is quite clear in the sentence, "the majority
    25        of the violations were primarily hour related".  If this
    26        amendment is based on the transcript of Mr. Stein's
    27        interrogation, the word "alleged" ought to appear between
    28        the word "the" and the word "violations".  That is my first
    29        comment.
    31        My second comment is that I cannot find -- I am open to
    32        correction because I have only read it through once -- in
    33        the transcript anything to support what is pleaded as
    34        paragraph 2.  There may be some kind of inference that
    35        Mr. Morris has drawn from something or other, but at first
    36        blush I am afraid I cannot see it.  What one is left after
    37        that, if that is right, is a pleading which merely says
    38        that there were allegations or citations which is not the
    39        same thing as what is pleaded in paragraph 2 or paragraph 1
    40        without the word "alleged".
    42   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.
    44   MR. RAMPTON:  I then add to that, if that is right and it is up
    45        to the Defendants to make good their pleading, if it is to
    46        be admitted at this stage, I then add, if I am right that
    47        on a proper reading of this transcript and Mr. Stein's
    48        written testimony which is appended to it, one arrives at
    49        this situation, merely that one side says one thing and
    50        another side says another before the Congressional 
    51        Committee, why, then it is an awful waste of time and money 
    52        for anybody to waste any more thought on this particular 
    53        issue.  It is a bit different if the Defendants come upon
    54        something which purports to prove a case of child labour
    55        violation, even one case perhaps, but that is not what this
    56        transcript does for them.
    58   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, thank you.  What do you say about No. 2,
    59        Mr. Morris?  Did you get that from ---

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