Day 206 - 22 Jan 96 - Page 43

     2   Q.   What was it that prompted you to join McDonald's?
     3        A.  I was looking, basically, for a management career in
     4        retailing -- I was particularly urged towards retailing --
     5        and I saw the recruitment thing in the current vacancies
     6        and applied, which was a graduate application.
     8   Q.   One question, Mr. Henden, which may have occurred to others
     9        is this:  we notice from the last sentence of your
    10        statement that you have been at Bath since about 1991?
    11        A.  Yes, with various branches along the way.
    13   Q.   Yes.  But you went to Bath as a First Assistant?
    14        A.  I went to Bath as a Second Assistant and was promoted
    15        very recently after arriving at the store.
    17   Q.   So, have you been a First Assistant for about four or five
    18        years?
    19        A.  Yes.
    21   Q.   One question which may have occurred to other people, and
    22        certainly it occurs to me:  a person of your education
    23        might have been expected to rise more quickly in the
    24        organisation.  Is there a reason why you have remained a
    25        First Assistant for all that time?
    26        A.  Basically, I choose to, really.  I have had
    27        opportunities put towards me, but I choose to be a First
    28        Assistant.  I just see that vocation.
    30   Q.   At present, at least, you have no wish to be a Store
    31        Manager?
    32        A.  No.
    34   Q.   Can I ask you this, and then I will go straight on to
    35        Mr. Logan's new allegations:  is it a job that you enjoy?
    36        A.  Yes.
    38   MR. RAMPTON:   My Lord, I wonder whether the right way to deal
    39        with this might not be -- it is a matter for your
    40        Lordship -- just to hand Mr. Henden a copy of the new
    41        allegations?
    43   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  (Handed)
    45   MR. RAMPTON:  You have read Mr. Logan's original statement, have
    46        you not?
    47        A.  That is correct.
    49   Q.   These are some additional or expanded allegations that he
    50        is going to make.  First: "Sean Richards in around 1992 
    51        altered people's hours worked by amending the adjustment 
    52        report on nightly shift/close using the Husky.  People were 
    53        docked hours or minutes they had worked.  He saw this occur
    54        (that is Mr. Logan) on one occasion with many crew names
    55        chosen at random.  Sean Richards laughed about saving
    56        labour costs."
    58        Have you any knowledge of that particular incident, if it
    59        ever happened?
    60        A.  I have never known Mr. Richards remove hours from the

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