Day 243 - 02 May 96 - Page 22

     2                        (The witness withdrew)
     4   MS. STEEL:   Could we have the 5-minute break now so we
     5        could  -----
     7   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  What have we got to do now?
     9   MS. STEEL:   There are a few scheduling matters to bring up; it
    10        will not take very long.
    12   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, and you want a break before we do that,
    13        do you?
    15   MS. STEEL:   Just so that we can ......
    17   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes, very well.  I will come back in five
    18        minutes.
    20                         (Short adjournment)
    22   MS. STEEL:   The first thing that I would like to do is to serve
    23        a copy of the statement of Liane Clorfene-Casten who is the
    24        author of the article "Unhappy Meals" which appears in
    25        Mother Jones(?) magazine which we have relied on in our
    26        pleadings; it has been referred to.
    28   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  You had better hand in the statement and then
    29        people can consider it.
    31   MS. STEEL:   We would like to put a Civil Evidence Act notice on
    32        that.  (Same handed to the learned Judge).  She is in the
    33        USA.  She is resident in the USA.
    35   MR. RAMPTON:  I accept the statement subject to this, again I
    36        would in this case -- I have not looked at it obviously --
    37        like to have a proper Civil Evidence Act notice.  It can be
    38        done as a statement.
    40   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  I will look at it overnight.
    42   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, I have no comment to make about it at the
    43        moment.
    45   MS. STEEL:   When we brought up the article before -- I cannot
    46        remember what number it is; it is in the Defendants'
    47        documents -- we actually said that we wanted to rely on as
    48        Civil Evidence Act evidence some of the statements made by
    49        the beef inspectors whom she had interviewed which were in
    50        this article.  It was said that we would have to get a 
    51        statement from her before we could do that. 
    53   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  All I have said is I will read it overnight
    54        and, if there is any argument about it, I will hear the
    55        argument.
    57   MS. STEEL:  I was just going to say one other thing, what I will
    58        do is I will do a copy of the article and mark up the
    59        points that we want to -----

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