Day 260 - 11 Jun 96 - Page 11
1 present, to what you said.
3 Q. So you were told to pay particular attention to myself and
4 Mr. Morris?
5 A. Yes, and to discover the identities, if possible, of
6 the other people who attended the meetings. I assumed that
7 you were the only two that were known.
9 Q. You took some letters from the Greenpeace office, you
10 remember that -- they are behind your statement -- letters
11 that were sent to the group?
12 A. Which ones, which part of the -----
14 Q. They will be behind the second statement, I think.
15 A. Can you -- is it possible to be a little bit more
16 specific?
18 Q. I do not know. They are behind the statement dated the
19 20th.
21 MR. JUSTICE BELL: It is divider 8.
23 MS. STEEL: 20th May. I did not realise you did not have the
24 divider.
26 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Your statement is divider 8.
27 A. Yes.
29 Q. And -----
30 A. Followed by appendix 1, 2 and 3.
32 MS. STEEL: It should be behind the second statement.
34 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Well, I am not sure it is, because C is a
35 support to the second statement and then, immediately after
36 that short support statement, I have the photograph of an
37 envelope and then of a letter.
39 MS. STEEL: It looks like it is behind the third statement,
40 then.
42 MR. JUSTICE BELL: (To the witness) Behind C, do you have an 8C
43 divider?
44 A. No. 8, and 8B and C, yes.
46 Q. If you look at 8C, it is a very short statement from you,
47 and then if you turn over that page, please?
48 A. Yes. I have a report dated 24th May.
50 Q. Turn on until you come to an envelope. I have taken my
51 notes out, which is why the first document I then have is
52 an envelope.
53 A. I have a photocopy of an envelope.
55 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Yes, that is it. Thank you.
57 MS. STEEL: I do not know where the original is, but obviously
58 they have to be photocopied to be put in the bundle. But
59 do you remember taking that?
60 A. I remember taking a letter.