Day 260 - 11 Jun 96 - Page 15

     1        been received within the past week or two weeks, and they
     2        would be in a pile or on the floor, or wherever?
     3        A.  Yes.
     5   Q.   Anyone would pick them up read them out and, if necessary,
     6        other people might comment on them or, you know ---
     7        A.  Yes.
     9   Q.   -- if they required any action, other people might comment
    10        on them?
    11        A.  The only thing I would add to that was that I record
    12        that the vast majority of the letters had previously been
    13        opened; they were not opened at the meetings; they had
    14        previously been opened by somebody else at some other time.
    16   Q.   But in terms of who was reading out the letters, it would
    17        not be the person who had answered the letter, necessarily?
    18        A.  Not necessarily.
    20   Q.   It might be, but it could just be anybody; it was random?
    21        A.  Yes.
    23   Q.   When I said who had answered the letters, I meant who had
    24        opened the letters.
    25        A.  Whoever picked the letters up.  As I said, some of them
    26        had previously been opened.  I was aware that other people
    27        unknown went to the office at other times other than at the
    28        weekly meetings.
    30   Q.   OK.  The reports of previous week's activity was basically
    31        where anybody who was present at the meeting detailed or
    32        gave a report of any event that they had attended in the
    33        previous week, be it an event about the poll tax, about
    34        anti-cars, or -----
    35        A.  That is correct.
    37   Q.   Just anything, not necessarily connected with
    38        London Greenpeace; just activities that were being
    39        organised by the group?
    40        A.  That is correct.
    42   Q.   The future events was likewise; it was any coming event,
    43        not just events organised by London Greenpeace?
    44        A.  If a person who was present at the meeting had
    45        knowledge of a future event, then they would put, in order
    46        to disseminate the information to the other members of the
    47        group; that is where it would be put in the agenda, yes.
    49   Q.   But it was not specifically only for things that were
    50        organised by London Greenpeace? 
    51        A.  No, no. 
    53   Q.   You would probably agree, seeing as it seems to be that you
    54        say in your notes in a number of places or you seem to
    55        indicate that the meetings did not really seem to be sort
    56        of doing much, that, by and large, the vast majority of the
    57        reports of the previous week's activity and the future
    58        events actually were not events that were organised by
    59        London Greenpeace?
    60        A.  That would be difficult for me to say.  I cannot really

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