Day 260 - 11 Jun 96 - Page 16

     1        answer that.  The events may have been organised by
     2        London Greenpeace without my knowledge.  I cannot be
     3        specific on that point.
     5   Q.   OK.  But there was no -- the vast majority of those that
     6        were brought up under these subjects were not ones where
     7        they said, "We are organising this and how should we
     8        organise this"?
     9        A.  No.  As far as the agenda was concerned, it was more
    10        like a newsletter.
    12   MS. STEEL:  Right.  OK.  Thank you.
    14   MR. MORRIS:  When you say newsletter, a communication forum?
    15        A.  Yes.
    17   Q.   For passed on any information?
    18        A.  Any information that somebody had would be disseminated
    19        to the other members.
    21   MS. STEEL:   And, generally, it would be fair to say that not
    22        everybody was interested in exactly the same things, but
    23        things would still be brought up, and anybody who was
    24        interested might make a note of it or they might not?
    25        A.  This is true, yes.
    27   Q.   If you look at the notes of 17th May -- have you got them
    28        up there?
    29        A.  Yes, I have.
    31   Q.   You have?  This is a report from the actual Kings report,
    32        as opposed to yours, but it appears to be, does it, a
    33        report from you, that you actually -----
    34        A.  It appears to be word for word the same as the report
    35        I submitted.
    37   Q.   If you look at page 5 of the document ---
    38        A.  Yes.
    40   Q.   -- in the third paragraph, it talks about Paul Gravett --
    41        about people from Goldsmith College making a documentary
    42        about anarchism; and you say they had spent some time
    43        filming Paul Gravett as a spokesman for such a group.  That
    44        was for London Greenpeace?
    46   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Where is that?
    48   MS. STEEL:   It is on page 5.
    50   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Where? 
    52   MS. STEEL:  In the third paragraph. 
    54   MR. MORRIS:  It is 17th May.
    56   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Yes.  I just wanted direction on the page.
    58   MS. STEEL:   As a spokesman for such a group, that was talking
    59        about London Greenpeace; yes?
    60        A.  I would assume so, that that is what it means, yes.

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