Day 268 - 24 Jun 96 - Page 14

     1        questions you have to ask Mr. Claire.
     3   MR. RAMPTON:  I have got very little.
     5   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Very well.  Give Mr. Rampton time to talk and
     6        check to Mr. Atkinson, if he wants to, about the Civil
     7        Evidence Act statements of Peter Heller, Dr. Ratter and Mr.
     8        Patel.
    10   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, or any other ones that we have time for as
    11        well.
    13   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We will call it a day if we get as far as
    14        reading Mr. Patel.
    16   MR. MORRIS:  Can we just emphasize the witness must not talk to
    17        anybody about his evidence.
    19   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do not talk to anyone about the case.  You
    20        have nearly finished your evidence anyway, Mr. Claire.
    22                         (Short Adjournment)
    24   MS. STEEL:  Just two minor points.  If you go to the notes of
    25        the 18th January, 1990.
    27   MR. RAMPTON:  My Lord, that is page 60 or 55 or 57.
    29   MS. STEEL:  And it is paragraph about me, at the bottom of the
    30        page.  Just to check.  If you read through that paragraph
    31        and it continues on page 9 of the notes as well?
    32        A.   Yes.
    34   Q.   You do not recollect now what exactly it was I said or
    35        whether indeed parts of it were said by somebody else?
    36        A.   I do not recall now what was said but that would have
    37        been information that I gleaned from that meeting, whether
    38        it be said by you or others present.
    40   Q.   Right, but you are not in a position to say that those were
    41        the exact words that I said or anything like that?
    42        A.  I cannot say now, after this amount of time, who said
    43        what, but it would have been gleaned from that meeting,
    44        whether by you or by others.
    46   Q.   Just a question about the letters that you took.  I will
    47        put it to you that not all of them were returned but some
    48        of them were never seen again and some of them were not
    49        even seen at all because they disappeared before anybody
    50        else in the group had a chance to look at them.  You did
    51        not keep a list of every single letter that you returned,
    52        did you?
    53        A.   Not that I recall, no.
    55   Q.   Right.  So you are not in a position to guarantee that they
    56        were all returned?
    57        A.   From what I do recall, from what we said, yes, I would
    58        have returned them.  From memory, they were photocopied,
    59        the originals were returned and the copies given to my
    60        principals at that time.

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