Day 270 - 28 Jun 96 - Page 12

     1        more time ----
     3   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Do it in as short a form as you can.  All you
     4        need to say is:  Second paragraph on that page, is that
     5        accurate to the best of your recollection?
     7   MS. STEEL:  If we go to the next paragraph, you have got:
     8        "'The fayre' was then brought up for discussion and I
     9        understood this to be the anti-McDonald's day fayre on 16th
    10        October.  It was decided that the next meeting would be
    11        devoted to discussing plans for this fayre.  It was
    12        mentioned that Paul would again not be attending the next
    13        meeting and that he was not in favour of the fayre being
    14        held as they did not have the manpower to properly organise
    15        it.  It seems that Paul had in the past been the main
    16        organiser of the fayre."
    18        We have actually heard in this case that the annual
    19        anti-McDonald's day that was held on 16th October was a day
    20        of protest and that the anti-McDonald's fayre was a
    21        separate event, generally about two weeks away from the
    22        16th October, and that this year it was actually the London
    23        Greenpeace fayre, not the anti-McDonald's fayre.  This,
    24        what you have written here, do you know whether or not that
    25        is an accurate reflection of what was said at the meeting,
    26        or what?
    27        A.  Looking at the way I wrote it, I feel that I was -- it
    28        was an impression that I had got of what was being
    29        discussed.  I understood this to be the annual McDonald's
    30        day fayre.
    32   Q.   When did you make your notes after the meeting, do you
    33        remember?
    34        A.  It would be when I got home, after I arrived home.  So,
    35        as soon as I could after the meeting; about an hour later
    36        perhaps.
    38   Q.   Right.
    39        A.  But I was unfamiliar with -- because I had not been to
    40        many meetings -- with the subject matter that was being
    41        discussed, and this paragraph looks as though I am saying
    42        it seems that, meaning that I am -- that was my impression
    43        of what was being discussed.  So, it is possible that I
    44        could have got the two dates confused and thought there was
    45        only one.  I do not know.  I mean, if there were two
    46        separate dates by what I have written here, it looks as
    47        though I have understood that there was only one date.  But
    48        I could have got that wrong.
    50   Q.   Did you make an effort to try and get things accurate? 
    51        A.  Yes, I made a very great effort to try and report 
    52        things as accurately as I could.  But not understanding the 
    53        subject all that well, and not being that familiar, it is
    54        possible I could have made some mistakes.
    56   Q.   Right.  The second part of that, was that the best of your
    57        recollection at the time, the second part of that
    58        paragraph?
    59        A.  Do you mean about Paul attending?

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