Day 277 - 10 Jul 96 - Page 10

     1   Q.   Would we ever have discussed films that we might have seen
     2        on television and articles in the paper going into these
     3        issues?
     4        A.  Documentaries, yes.  If something was in the newspaper,
     5        yes, especially at the time when we were both living in the
     6        same house, we were very likely to discuss anything that
     7        came up in the papers.
     9   Q.   Right.  Would you say that I had strongly held and genuine
    10        beliefs in the issues that are raised in the London
    11        Greenpeace fact sheet?
    12        A.  My experience of you is that all your views appear to
    13        be quite sincere and genuine.
    15   Q.   While we are on the subject, there is a reference in one of
    16        the witness statements of the inquiry agents to me saying
    17        -- if you remember it, I am going to refer to it to save
    18        time -- something like that I did not seem to have any
    19        particular thing about McDonald's, it was just McDonald's
    20        was chosen to represent the multinationals -- something
    21        like that?
    22        A.  Right.
    24   Q.   Did I have any -- were my concerns, that you have expressed
    25        that I had, related to those issues?  Sorry, I am trying to
    26        think of a question, how to put it.  Was I someone that had
    27        some -- well, do you agree with that statement that I did
    28        not really see myself as important, just that I was
    29        concerned about the issues?
    30        A.  Well, I cannot say I remember the specific quote, but
    31        throughout all the time I have known you, you have been
    32        concerned about a wide range of issues, social,
    33        environmental, and about trying to change society to end
    34        exploitation and oppression of people and of animals and of
    35        the environment.
    37   Q.   You have never heard me express any kind of grudge, or
    38        whatever, against McDonald's Corporation?
    39        A.  No.
    41   Q.   Before the service of the writs -- in fact, since the
    42        service of the writs -- have I expressed any kind of grudge
    43        that you have heard against the McDonald's Corporation that
    44        you can remember?
    45        A.  I mean, I know neither of us are particularly pleased
    46        about having to be here day in day out for two years but--
    48   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  No, it is before the service you are saying,
    49        since the issue?
    51   MR. MORRIS:  Yes, I am saying, and since have I ever said
    52        something like?
    53        A.  You have never said you have got a grudge.
    55   MR. MORRIS:  "I don't care what information gets put out about
    56        McDonald's now, whatever can damage them is fine by me"?
    57        A.  No, no.  As far as I am concerned both of us have
    58        always believed that we are defending the truth, that the
    59        criticisms made in all the leaflets, including the current
    60        leaflets, are true and that is why we want, that is why we

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