Day 278 - 11 Jul 96 - Page 05
2 Q. That is your answer is it?
3 A. Yes.
5 Q. It is not in "Hoof Prints on the Forest", it is not in
6 "Jungleburger"?
7 A. There is something in "Hoof Prints on the Forest" about
8 using lethal poisons, yes. 245T.
10 Q. Then I think it is only fair that you should get a chance
11 to look at the references to McDonald's which one finds in
12 "Hoof Prints on the Forest". It is at tab 8 of your first
13 kingfisher file. This is published 34 in 1985, I think,
14 and if the index is accurate the first reference to
15 McDonald's is on page 57?
16 A. I know there is a chart in here about interests in
17 various companies that have interests in cattle ranching in
18 Latin American countries and that McDonald's is on the list
19 of those companies.
21 Q. Would you look, please, at the bottom of page 57, the last
22 three lines -- sorry, "Many US fast food companies have
23 exported franchises to Latin American countries. By the
24 end of the 1970's McDonald's corporation of Oakwood,
25 Illinois, were serving Big Macs in franchises in Brazil,
26 Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua and
27 Panama." Then there is a bit about the style of decoration
28 in Panama City. There is nothing there about McDonald's
29 cutting down the rainforest with lethal poisons is there?
30 A. No, there is a whole chapter in here about how the
31 rainforests get destroyed and it does talk about using
32 lethal poisons, which is what I am talking about.
34 MR. JUSTICE BELL: Take your time to find it because it may be
35 important. So I would like you to refer me to what you
36 have in mind.
38 MR. MORRIS: If the index is there. I am sure it is noted in
39 the index.
40 A. Can I just clarify something? I am not saying that the
41 chapter about using lethal poisons names McDonald's. I am
42 just saying that that was my understanding, that lethal
43 poisons were one of the methods used by which deforestation
44 took place and that McDonald's were implicated in using
45 beef from ex-rainforest land and had involvement in it.
47 MR. RAMPTON: So you are not saying that you had read anywhere
48 that McDonald's is one of those that uses lethal poisons to
49 destroy vast areas of rainforest are you?
50 A. I haven't said that, no.
52 Q. No, the leaflet says that, Miss Steel?
53 A. Yes, I know the leaflet says that.
55 Q. That is all right, then, we can leave it. In fact "Hoof
56 Prints on the Forest" effectively exonerates McDonald's
57 even from the exportation, or rather the importation, into
58 the United States of Central American beef does it not, if
59 you look at pages 94 and 95?
60 A. Can you just hold on, please? On page 63 there is a