Day 302 - 18 Nov 96 - Page 06

     1        the rest for references, which I will be able to hand,
     2        I suppose, nearly three-quarters of to your Lordship we
     3        hope by the end of next week.  That will -- sorry, do I
     4        mean this week?  I mean this week, not next week.
     6        Your Lordship will certainly get the first six factual
     7        topics, which are nutrition, food poisoning, advertising,
     8        recycling of waste, rainforests - is that six or five?
     9        Anyway, the only one which might tail a little bit after is
    10        employment, partly because it is a big subject and partly
    11        because of the actual practical business involved of
    12        typing.
    14        I have not yet made a decision whether I am going to, with
    15        your Lordship's leave, actually do the remaining four
    16        topics which are, malice, publication, counterclaim and
    17        damages in writing at all.  Partly because of pressure of
    18        time, but partly also for what I might call diplomatic
    19        reasons.  But I hope, if I decide not to do those in
    20        writing, your Lordship will forgive me.  They are never
    21        going to be very long topics, anyway, any of them.
    23   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  It is entirely up to you.  As I have said, I
    24        did not feel it right to direct the Defendants to present
    25        their submissions in writing, and therefore I do not think
    26        it right to make directions in your case.
    28   MR. RAMPTON:   Well, whether it is a promise or a threat, I know
    29        not, your Lordship will get, I am afraid, rather a lot of
    30        typescript at the end of this week.  And the Defendants
    31        will get it -----
    33   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  The end of this week?
    35   MR. RAMPTON:   Yes.  I am working to a deadline.  It is not a
    36        fixed deadline, but the date I am working to is Friday,
    37        22nd.  Or when the defendants have finished.  Obviously, I
    38        am not going to hand it in before they have finished.
    40        That is the other thing I said to Mr. Glenn, I am sorry, I
    41        had forgotten.  In the light of what we have been able to
    42        achieve and I say 'we', because it has been a joint effort
    43        to a large extent.  It does mean that, subject to anything
    44        your Lordship wants to raise, I will not need very much
    45        time on my feet myself, on my own initiative.  And that
    46        does mean -----
    48   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  Well, we will wait and see.  I do not know
    49        how much I will need to explore with you myself.
    51   MR. RAMPTON:   But it may mean your Lordship will make a
    52        decision about it, and I do not believe I have a
    53        contribution really to make.  It may mean that it may not
    54        matter terribly much if the Defendants over-run their
    55        closing speeches by a couple of days.
    57   MR. JUSTICE BELL:  We will see how we go.  I wish to stick to
    58        the timetable I laid down, subject to a situation such as
    59        happened last week when we had a day out of court, and see
    60        how we go.  The Defendants have done very well so far in

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