OK... the picture is getting clearer and clearer. But i sdtill have some questions:What abou natural born killers people who find staisfaction in the pain of others? What would be done to those? Also what about people like the nazi who beta and abuse people (with words too) that are not white and christian? Is that allowed 'cause they are just expressing themselves BUT at the sme time they are hurting someone!
Also I think I need a more detailed description of how the court system works? "cuase all you said is that THERE IS A COURT system! Now that is good but how does it work? How is the judge elected... is the judge going to make decisions? If not would all 6 billion people make decisions to all trials or how would that go? Please give a detiled description. Sorry I am asking so much but you are helping a lot and you have very good arguments.I just need more info... please.
Also I would like to know how the population size would be controlled becuase if everyone has all they want soon enough we will run out of space for pople... since there would be no wars, madicare would be free... no more poverty, ect... This may seem like a small issue but if you think about it once all this goes away the population of earth will increase catastroficly! This is amjor issue I think so I would be pleased to hear you views on it.
Thanks and have a great day.